In Dilemma of surgery decision. Please Help
Last year April, 2024 I did both chemoradiotherapy for 6wks and 4Rds of preventive chemotherapy to shrink a tumour very close to my anus so surgery was ruled out. Now it has shrink to nearly a complete response but surgeon still wants to give me a permanent stoma because there's a tiny residue left behind even though the biopsy from it confirm No cancer cells but surgeon still wants to do surgery because he thinks cancer might lying deep underneath the scar tissue. Both Mri and CT scans show no cancer so I am worried because I want to follow the Wait and Watch procedure but surgeon thinks cancer will come back so surgery is needed but what if I do surgery and biopsy confirms No cancer again 😢? That means I will have to live a stoma for no reason. And for clarification I am not worried about the stoma. Any Help from people with this experience will be deeply appreciated. TIA.
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You need to get a second (maybe even third) opinion from a regional cancer center.
I haven’t had to make such a decision and I agree with you. For peace of mind about the best way to go, I would definitely get at least one more opinion, from a major cancer hospital.
I started with an occult tumor (also known as unknown primary), stage IV so have been in palliative care since the beginning. The tumor fell apart, & they were not able to remove everything. It was also in many lymph nodes. I have been told that it is a matter of where, & when the cancer returns, not if it returns. Because of that, I have decided I will not have a bowel resection/removal. In my case it would be permanent, while waiting to see where the cancer metastasizes.
Long way to say, surgery depends on a lot of factors. Only you can decide.
I have been treated twice since 3/21. I am not able to withstand the treatment again. Hoping for a long healthy stretch!
That's a difficult decision! Potentially damed if you do and if you don’t do. Can’they do an exploratory surgery or procedure to see if cancer is in the tissues?
If you have or develop a good relationship with God he can guide you by revelation what to do? Many Christians attend churches or fellowships but few know of, learn to operate or operate efficiently 9 manifestations of holy spirit. I have seen and been involved in amazing signs, wonders and miracles and healing and I am a surviving rectal cancer patient.
It was a combination of faith (trust and prayer) and good medical treatment.
I still have some symptoms though as far as bathroom issues but I am alive!
I have been very lucky in having an excellent oncologist that I trust. If you don't have an oncologist that you completely trust and feel confident to help you make decisions, you definitely need to get one and have that specialist review all of your records and discuss this matter with you before you make any decisions.
Do not be intimidated by a health care professional. Ultimately you will be the one to make informed, medical decisions that will affect the rest of your life. A colostomy is irreversible and will definitely impact the rest of your life. The choice is yours and your loved ones, not someone’s who doesn’t have to live with it. Good luck.
“Eligibility for watch and wait?” If a patient decides to wait, i.e. forego surgery or additional chemo and/or radiation, that is their decision. I would be very surprised if periodic evaluations of the tumor were refused, but I may soon find out.
My cancer was located between the internal and external sphincters and was the size of a walnut. My surgeon told me I would have a colostomy. I told him NO! I did not want one. After the surgery He placed a ileostomy for a while (about a year) to let the surgery heal.
Before the surgery I had about 3 months of chemo and radiation. The surgeon removed all of the internal sphincter and about half of the external. The surgeon and I had several sometimes kind of heated talks about a colostomy. I still choose not to have a bag. Long story short, I do not have a bag today. It has been a challenging at times, but I have learned to have sort of normal life.
If you do decide to have the surgery, get your self a bidet. It has been a life saver for me, you can get a pretty nice one on amazon for about $500. You can get cheaper ones but you get what you pay for, ( I have bought 6 in the last 8 years) I recommend a TOTO brand with the continuous warm water. I get diarrhea at times and get constipated also, and the stream of warm water helps with that a lot. ( I sound like a rep for bidets but Im not) I also have a portable bidet in my go bag (with all my supplies I need) for when Im away from home.
As for surgery, I wanted the cancer OUT! I wanted it cut out, nuked out, I didnt care, I just wanted it out. And I didnt want a bag. But it is your choice, and your choice alone. you have to live with your decision. Know your options and just because the surgeon tells you the way they always do the treatment plan, it doesn't mean you have to do it that way. Tell the surgeon what you want. And ALWAYS remember all these doctors work for you, and you can fire them at anytime if they dont want to do what you want done.
Of course it's the patient's decision.