Implants after reconstruction surgery losing their shape: Anyone else?

Posted by splewis84 @splewis84, Aug 29, 2023

I was diagnosed with cancer in my left breast in 2016. I decided to have a double mastectomy and afterward I had reconstruction surgery. My surgeon put the implants under my breast bone which I started having terrible pain for over a year. In 2017 I went to another plastic surgeon in which she told me it was the normal to have implants that way but due to the pain I was having due to them being in that way she told me I could have them on top of the muscle. So I had my second reconstruction which relieved me from the previous pain. Now it is 2023 and my implants are losing their shape. The left implant seems to be moving under my arm pit and have a lot of indents and it is drooping lower than the right implant. The right implant does have indents and is drooping as well but not as bad as the left implant. Now I am reaching to anyone who could tell me if they had this same problem and what was the solution for it. I was never told exactly what to do to keep my implants round and full. Not looking to have another surgery but now it feels like I am carrying bags of dirt on my chest. Any feed back would truly be appreciated.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.

Hi @splewis84, I'm tagging fellow members @maggieb892 @janisbrede @yulichka00 @savannah1959 @ellens @anjalima @snowdown and others as they may have experiences of thoughts to share.

You might also be interested in this related discussion:
- LF Reconstruction: Anyone have their implants removed years later?

I can imagine the thought of facing another surgery is not a welcome proposition. Are you considering having the implants removed?


My double mastectomy was only a year ago and my implants placed in June. I am not ecstatic about how they look. I am going back next month to meet with the plastic surgeon who did the surgery to see what he recommends. I think probably just more fat grafting. I don't have "indents" like you mentioned but I have what to me looks like waves on the top of both breasts, especially noticeable if I lean over. From what I've read this is due to low fat tissue around implants. So maybe fat grafting would work for your indents as well. I also had a stitch placed on the side of my implants under arm but lower as I did not like how the expanders expanded out to the side, I wanted them pushed more in. Maybe that is a possibility for your sliding implant as well. At any rate you should definitely go back to plastic surgeon and see what their explanation is. Please keep us posted. You have gone through too much to be unhappy with your look, I think they should be able to fix it if you are physically up for it. Good Luck!


I had double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction afterwards. It took my plastic surgeon 7.5 hours to figure out which implants to put in me!! Unbelievable! And after a horrible recovery with drain tubes for 8 weeks & swelling soreness & pain, I'm still not happy with what he did. I have indents on both sides of breasts, looks like cottage cheese towards the center, the right implant is lower than left & he marvels at his work every time I go in for a follow up. My husband & I both have spoke to him about the pain I still have & how unhappy I am with them but he still says "Rubbing & massages will help with bringing the feeling back & doing arm circle exercises as well".
My OT says he's full of it & she works with me weekly on the swelling & pain issues I have. Her recommendation is to get a 2nd opinion & have another surgery to make them smaller. I was a 46J before my cancer surgery & now I'm a 46DD. Still too large! And when asked to go smaller for implants, the Dr just looked at me & said "I'll use whatever looks best". Ugh!!! It's my body!! I have to lug these things around, not him!! I suggest you get a 2nd opinion & if need be just get them removed. I'm seriously thinking about going flat chested. I'm 50 & my surgery was last January.
Good luck to you.


I too was shocked at what I thought I'd look like after reconstruction wasn't my reality.
I recently (4/23) had my reconstruction (left breast) and augmentation on right. Because of radiation, my skin and tissues are tight. I have had swelling in the breast area and now need to wear a compression camisole every night with a compression pad to force the fluid out of my body. I don't know why the lymph isn't moving! My OT is hoping I can force the fluid out, I might not continue to have the problem. I will also be doing the exercises to break up and stretch the the scar tissue forever too.
My breasts are not even in size or on the level. The surgeon is willing to make "repairs" in 6 months after all the tissues are healed. if I want that. So, I still have some time to get used to my new breasts and try out new bras to optimize my look.

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