I'm done with the serious cocktails!

Posted by Denise @denisestlouie, Dec 10, 2024

I'm done with the serious cocktails! I declined ringing the bell. My nurse, who was also the manager, was a little disappointed. I've told very few people about my situation. No way was I going to announce it to a room of strangers,
I’m not sure how I am supposed to feel. I don’t feel celebratory or particularly happy and I don’t feel sad or angry. The best description is it is like finishing finals after my first semester sophomore year of college. I had to go way back to conjure up that memory. Your finished but you Don’t know the grade. I’m shooting for an A but I won’t know until the grades are mailed out. That’s a reference that younger folks won’t understand, getting grades through the snail mail. I also know finishing the semester is not the end. I would have many more to go through.
I think am better. I believe the cancer is gone, We won’t know until the tests are done and graded.
Now to get through this cycle and let the hair growth begin! I didn’t shave my head, I wanted to see how quickly it would fall out and where it would leave first. What did interest me was that my normally chemically produced blonde hair turned orange. No one has seen me without a wig or head covering, except Mel. That was for less than a minute when I was in a fit of rage and threw my wig at him. I wanted a witness to having orange hair, so I pulled down a chunk of hair from under my wig and showed it to my sister. She can now confirm my story.
I gave my doctor the piece I wrote about after cancer. I really like this man. I want him to know the person I am.
Today I will see my therapist, go to the Holistic Doctor’s office for a magnesium infusion and a B12 shot and then to the eye doctor to check on how well my eye recovered from a serious eye infection. It’s all good. Of course, today should be my happy day courtesy of steroids.

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@denisestlouie Bravo! Your comparison of completing chemotherapy to finishing final exams and waiting for your grades in snail mail is a very apt metaphor. I remember those feelings all to well as I repeated that pattern many times through undergraduate and then graduate education. And now these "kids" can just check their marks online as soon as the university releases them. The students never have to show their final grades to their parents either as it's all confidential.

Your hair was orange? Well, let's see how your hair grows back and what you'd like to do. I've always loved red hair (orange or red?).

You have a busy day ahead with all visits to keep you healthy. And a happy day due to steroids.

Have you made plans for Christmas or New Year's yet?


Congratulations! Fingers crossed for an A. I agree about not ringing the bell. Seems like tempting fate.


Congratulations! Fingers crossed for an A. I agree about not ringing the bell. Seems like tempting fate.

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Thank you!!!!


I think it’s perfectly fine to handle your milestone any way you choose. Being discreet is ok, I haven’t encountered your situation, but I can relate to the exam analogy. I’m rooting for great results, as well as rapid hair return. Red hair runs in my family and I love it! I didn’t get it, but love it. It’ll be interesting to see where that goes.

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