I’m 83 years old and today would be our 60 wedding anniversary but my

Posted by clarion01 @clarion01, 4 days ago

Today is our 60th wedding anniversary the only thing wrong is my wife died of glioblastoma multiform less than 60 days from when it was discovered till her death on October 27, 2024.
I’m not dealing well with her death and feel lost with out her


Thank you for any consideration

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I can only share what has worked and still does work for me. There isn't anything anyone can tell you that will delete your feelings of loss; however, Jesus Christ has always been my BFF and ALWAYS been there for me when i didn't think i could live or make it another day. Make the first move. Just call out to HIM and HE WILL answer you!! HE WILL COMFORT YOU. I promise! Nobody can heal your broken heart EXCEpT Jesus Christ. I know this personally.


I am so sorry to read that you lost your wife. I lost my husband three years ago to GBM. He was diagnosed on our 25th anniversary. He died 107 days later. I completely understand what you are going through. It is a struggle to say the least. I cried everyday for the first two years. And I cried a lot. I have very few friends and a couple even ghosted me after he died. I hope you have a good support group because that will help. I had one good friend who listened to me cry and complain everyday. It does get better. I know it is difficult to believe because I didn’t believe it either. I have made a couple of new friends and that has helped some. I still think about him everyday and I still cry at times. It is difficult losing someone you loved for such a long time. I went to some grief support groups after he died. That helped some to know that others were dealing with grief and loss just like I was. I wish you the best.


I forgot to mention that I got a grief counselor/therapist. That has helped some too. Most of the people I have talked to about losing a spouse did the same thing.


I want to second the recommendations for a grief group or a grief counselor. I’m also 83 and my wife has an incurable disease. You must be going through so much pain from your loss. Everyone deals differently with grief and don’t add to your pain the idea that you should be over it by a certain time. Good luck on getting help.


Dear Sir, Please accept my deepest condolences for the loss of your beloved wife. This is so very difficult and I am so very sorry. Please do e ever let anyone tell you how to feel. It is a very personal trial, for you alone. Maybe it helps to know she is at peace now.
When my spouse passed, the mortuary put me on a daily grief support email list, which helped me. If you have a trusted pastor or elder in your church, this might be an idea. Or maybe you can let your doctor know how very hard this is for you. May her memory always be a blessing to you Sir.


I am so sorry to read that you lost your wife. I lost my husband three years ago to GBM. He was diagnosed on our 25th anniversary. He died 107 days later. I completely understand what you are going through. It is a struggle to say the least. I cried everyday for the first two years. And I cried a lot. I have very few friends and a couple even ghosted me after he died. I hope you have a good support group because that will help. I had one good friend who listened to me cry and complain everyday. It does get better. I know it is difficult to believe because I didn’t believe it either. I have made a couple of new friends and that has helped some. I still think about him everyday and I still cry at times. It is difficult losing someone you loved for such a long time. I went to some grief support groups after he died. That helped some to know that others were dealing with grief and loss just like I was. I wish you the best.

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Thank you for your support
It’s very difficult so far


February would have been our 60th wedding anniversary but he died 5 years ago. There is no quick and easy fix. I suffered, but eventually the worst of the pain went away. And yes, I seriously considered swallowing a bottle of Tylenol. I called our son and he said ”Mom, throw out the bottle. “ I listened to him and did and I still don’t keep any in the house. But the worst of the grief took maybe 2 years to ease.


February would have been our 60th wedding anniversary but he died 5 years ago. There is no quick and easy fix. I suffered, but eventually the worst of the pain went away. And yes, I seriously considered swallowing a bottle of Tylenol. I called our son and he said ”Mom, throw out the bottle. “ I listened to him and did and I still don’t keep any in the house. But the worst of the grief took maybe 2 years to ease.

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The worst of my grief took about two years too. I was told in the beginning that it might last only a year or even less. That wasn’t the case. It has been three years now and things are better. Not necessarily great but definitely better.

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