I am 12 days post op from gallbladder removal I am extremely gassy

Posted by asinlollobrigida @asinlollobrigida, 6 days ago

I was hoping to hear some other positive recovery journeys
Any advice on adding whole grain back into my diet
I love my grains and am hoping to find meal ideas that worked for others

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have you tried adding a good quality probiotic pill to increase the number of good bacteria to your bowel and help your digestion return to normal.


@asinlollobrigida Good morning -
After my gall bladder was removed, it took several months for my body to adjust to its "new normal" - that is, having to rely on bile from the liver, which releases far more slowly than the gall bladder did. It essentially release "squirts" of bile as your body demanded it to digest food. Now the liver must take over that duty.
When I had my surgery, I was advised to eat very small meals at first - it was about 3 months before I could sit down and eat a small adult portion. I don't remember having a problem with grains, but I did have issues with spices and tomato-based foods for over 6 months.
Now, 3 years later, I eat my normal diet, which consists mainly of vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy, beans, chicken, fish, lean pork and tiny amounts of beef. I would say I am low-grain because I am gluten-free and must be very careful. If I eat a too-large or fatty meal, I still get pain and diarrhea.

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