Hypothyroidism and Thyroid Cancer

Posted by whiterose67 @whiterose67, Aug 15, 2016

Hi I am new to this site.. hoping to get some help and support . Does anyone else suffer from painful feet and calves due to hypothyroidism bought on from thyroid removal?

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Yes, my calves ache often. Like muscle pain. I had total thyroidectomy a month ago. I am thinking it is from low calcium levels?

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I had modified radical neck resection and thyroidectomy and I ached terribly, legs and feet. My surgeon put me on mega doses of calcium and it did help somewhat. Great question for your endocrinologist. Good luck


When I first had surgery for medullary thyroid cancer ( I had a modified radical neck dissection) my feet and legs ached terribly. My endocrinologist said it can unfortunately go with the territory of the surgery. It was brutal! Years later it has pretty much settled. Good luck.


Yes I have blood work done regularly. I'm now on 75 7 days a wk. Started at 100 then 100 for 6 days and nothing on the 7th day. Just had blood work done middle of last month then again end of this month. Thank you for your concern.


I had Graves Disease (hyper) and then had my thyroid removed to discover the cancer. I did have 4 nodules on my thyroid for about 4 or 5 years. I have a sister who has hypo thryroidism and one sister who has nodules on her thyroid. She doesn't seem to want to see a doctor regarding testing,

After removal of my thyroid, I had the iodine radiation retreatment. Which I though would not be the problem. Ever since then I have been so tired all the time. Has this happened to anyone else? I would like to hear from you.

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Yes , I had thyroidectomy due to Greaves disease and I need to change my dose of thyroxine at different times. I am currently on 100mcg for 6 days anc 50mcg on a Sunday. You might need your t4 and TSH blood tests and then see if your thyroxine medication needs adjusting. Speak to your doctor and get checked out.


I am worried that I may have thyroid cancer. At least twenty years ago, I started to get a lot of pain in my eyes. Two Opthamalogists (sp?) suggested my eyes were fine and that it could be my thyroid causing the pain. My family doctor said my blood tests were fine. I then went to get my eyes checked about a month ago and told the Optometrist about my eye pain that was more frequent and worse. I told him that my doctor said my levels were fine and he said that doesn't mean it isn't caused by your thyroid. Now, I am waking up in the morning or middle of the night hot - once soaking wet - and the heat seems to be coming from my burning throat and radiating to my chest. I am also experiencing some thinning of my hair and eyebrows and have chronic fatigue. Any ideas?

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it's been 20 years that you have been experiencing this? If I were you, I would go to another doctor.


I have two sisters that had thyroid cancer, and I have a nodule on my thyroid that my doctor keeps tabs on every 6 months. One sister had the most common type of thyroid cancer (papabel?) and the other had the rarer kind (can't think of the name). Anyway, both got thyroids removed and took chemo pills. Both are now on thyroid pills and will be for the rest of their lives. Happily, both are doing great. I have an older sister that does not seem to have any thyroid problem. So three out of four girls have/had thyroid nodes - two of them cancerous and one so-far-so-good. I think we must have all been exposed to something when we were young to have this happen.

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I had Graves Disease (hyper) and then had my thyroid removed to discover the cancer. I did have 4 nodules on my thyroid for about 4 or 5 years. I have a sister who has hypo thryroidism and one sister who has nodules on her thyroid. She doesn't seem to want to see a doctor regarding testing,

After removal of my thyroid, I had the iodine radiation retreatment. Which I though would not be the problem. Ever since then I have been so tired all the time. Has this happened to anyone else? I would like to hear from you.


I am worried that I may have thyroid cancer. At least twenty years ago, I started to get a lot of pain in my eyes. Two Opthamalogists (sp?) suggested my eyes were fine and that it could be my thyroid causing the pain. My family doctor said my blood tests were fine. I then went to get my eyes checked about a month ago and told the Optometrist about my eye pain that was more frequent and worse. I told him that my doctor said my levels were fine and he said that doesn't mean it isn't caused by your thyroid. Now, I am waking up in the morning or middle of the night hot - once soaking wet - and the heat seems to be coming from my burning throat and radiating to my chest. I am also experiencing some thinning of my hair and eyebrows and have chronic fatigue. Any ideas?


@blindeyepug My mom, 2 sisters and myself all had thyroid cancer. We grew up in Arcadia, calif where in the 60’s and 70’s there was cancer causing chemicals in the water. It was on the news in the 90’s and they had lawsuits. The men exposed had stomach cancer in addition to thyroid. We all had papillary except my mother she had the other type. We are all doing fine 20 years later except I suffer from much more severe depression and weight gain once they removed my thyroid and gave me radiation. The Doctors don’t want to address the symptoms just want to keep your thyroid levels high to suppress tissue growth. But God is amazing and a year ago healed my depression and I am off all meds. Blessings of church group prayers, miracles do happen now to me after God revealed himself to me in 2005 alone in my house! So all I can say is Thank you Jesus!


Thanks for bringing this issue up again, @crummens . I’ve had hypothyroidism for eight years now ( family history of thyroid problems + radiation to my neck + pregnancy led my thyroid to give up!). I haven’t experienced the painful calves, but it seems like a terrible side effect. Have you spoken to your doctor about a correlation? I’m curious now myself!

Is there anything you can do for the pain? Is it worse at a certain time of day? Did it just start after the thyroidectomy?

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My hypothyroidism was a result of Hashimoto's Disease and my thyroid output is virtually nil - thus the Synthroid. I also gained weight and am in the same boat.


Yes, my calves ache often. Like muscle pain. I had total thyroidectomy a month ago. I am thinking it is from low calcium levels?

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Did your doctor prescribe a Synthroid substitute? I know I sometimes have leg pains and that comes from my lower back; leg cramping from low magnesium. Go figure!

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