How much are you paying for gas?

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Mar 13, 2022

I just got gas and paid $5.90 a gallon for regular. The highest gas price I know of in California is $8.45 or at least was.
I went to therapy the other day and noticed the gas price had increased from the previous day then on my way home from therapy I noticed they were increasing the price again. Also increased later that night.
I wonder if the oil companies are taking advantage of the situation and increasing the price as well as service station owners.

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Gosh, I'm glad to be in the South!!!Just on e reason of many. I bought gas a couple of days ago and paid $3.69, with my 10 cents a gallon off on my card. Local gas (sorta out in the country in NW Ark.) was $3.79 then. That was a few days ago, maybe last Wed. This was Exxon in Leslie, AR.


Paid 4.19 last Wednesday. Next day it went up to 4.29 and still at that price today. West coast of Florida...Tampa Bay Area...for regular.
Less cars on road equals less stress?
Or more stress because you have to get to work or wherever. Leads to distracted drivers thinking about where to cut other costs.
Eat less food or cheap food that is no good for you because of the rising cost.
So gas food and everything else is having a negative effect on our health and mental well being.
A medical crisis looming ?
FL Mary


I don't understand gas prices at all!!! In the past, prices here in our little town of 8,000 were always about 20 cents higher than along I-5 in the valley to the east, but for three months (until a couple of weeks ago), prices here were as much as 60 cents less than in the valley!!! At first, it seemed to be a price war between the two non-brand local stations (Chevron reflected valley prices plus 20 cents or so as usual). So, for three months we paid just over $3.00. Even now, prices here are lower than they are in the valley: $3.49 vs. as much as $5.99 in Portland! What's the logic behind that?


I don't understand gas prices at all!!! In the past, prices here in our little town of 8,000 were always about 20 cents higher than along I-5 in the valley to the east, but for three months (until a couple of weeks ago), prices here were as much as 60 cents less than in the valley!!! At first, it seemed to be a price war between the two non-brand local stations (Chevron reflected valley prices plus 20 cents or so as usual). So, for three months we paid just over $3.00. Even now, prices here are lower than they are in the valley: $3.49 vs. as much as $5.99 in Portland! What's the logic behind that?

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Taxes are different in every state. Plus the states that are closer to the refineries will pay less because the distribution distance is shorter. And some states like California. have very strict regulations that add to the cost like their requirement for fuel blends that are different from other states.
Why they differ just a few miles apart may be due to competition....not sure. But my county is a few cents cheaper than a neighboring county because our local sales taxes are a tad cheaper .
Depends where you live apparently and I always get gas in my country.

FL Mary

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