how long after a percocet pill before I should drive ,work etc.

Posted by cedg @cedg, Jan 1, 2019

I was in an automobile accident resulting in two ruptured disk. At this time I don't know what to anticipate as the full treatment. Could be operation, or steroids might do it. But for pain I was prescribed 5-325 percocet every 6 hrs..along with muscle relaxers at night.and steroids. The steroids seem to be doing a lot to help me. All this being said I'm wanting to know how long after taking a percocet 5-325 before I should be operating a vehicle. It doesn't seem to cause any dizziness or uncontrollablity so it would seem like after a couple of hours driving wouldn't be a problem. Of course I want to be safe . What is consedered the correct time to wait?

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Sorry to give you bad news. There is NO good time to wait after taking a Percocet to start driving or operating any other machinery. If the pharmacy gave you a paper with your prescription describing the side affects, etc., I suggest that you go back and read it or call your doctor to answer your questions pertaining to your prescription.


Hi, @cedg, and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. That is challenging to be in a car accident and also to end up with two ruptured discs.

Here is some Mayo Clinic information on Oxycodone and acetaminophen combination (Percocet) that may be useful

When will you learn more about your full treatment?

REPLY N1 19:10:35 31-January-2019.

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