How do I get rid of smelly feces scalp smell

Posted by ems10022 @ems10022, Feb 4 11:07pm

I’ve been struggling with a really bad scalp odor for the past two years, and it’s only getting worse. People have actually started mentioning that my scalp smells like feces, which has made me feel super self-conscious. I’ve tried all sorts of shampoos and remedies, but nothing seems to help. I even went to my doctor, and NOTHING.

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If I may, try soaking some coffee grains in a little water and make it like a paste then put it on your head then let it sit for about 15-20 minutes then just wash it off with warm water? I do that once a month to myself and also if my animals get into something really smelly I put it on them with a cone on. Works like a dream, I hope this or something else helps you and I'm sorry u r going through that. Good luck friend.


How terrible, I google it and found an article from Cleveland Clinic and another VeryWell Health that has suggestions for other home remedies. Sounds like you have done some of their suggestion. Not sure type of providers you have contacted, but they recommend seeing a dermatologist if home remedies do not work.
Did this come on suddenly? If so did anything else change about same time like diet?


ems10022, Just someo thoughts:

1) Vinegar rinse after you shampoo. If you color your hair, it can strip the color.

2) Baking soda in your hand with shampoo.

3) Get one of those plastic scalp hand held massager brushes. Use this when you are lathered up to scrub your scalp to dislodge all sebum, products, etc.,

4) Have you tried Head & Shoulders or Nizoral. Again, if you color your hair, it can strip the color.

5) If you have been to a Dermatologist, I would get a 2nd opinion from another Dermatologist.

Praying for you as I can't imagine how this must make you feel. Blessings & Prayers....


Have you checked with your barber or hairdresser?


My spouse has the same problem. He ended up going to a Dermatologist. He had a to use a prescribed shampoo three times a week. He uses tea tree shampoo between that. Works like a charm. Yes it does smell like feces. Luckily he cannot smell it with his sense of smell is gone.His pillows stink as well. I chance the pillow cases and pillows frequently. I thought he had soiled himself..but not so. I love the smell of the tree tea though. Hope that helps!


One method of shampooing daily with a rotation of shampoo active ingredients may help.
A Dermatologist could prescribe the full strength selenium sulfide, full strength ketoconazole and ciclopirox. Salicylic acid 3% and sulfur shampoos are available OTC. The gentle scalp brush and longer contact time of the
shampoos may help. You may have to sacrifice texture and appearance and additional groom time to get a result.


How terrible for you! I'm so sorry you are going through this! There are some good suggestions given on here already that sound like they might work for you. I was just going to suggest washing your hair with what I use which is Dawn Dishwashing Liquid. (Yes, the kind you use for dishes! I ran out of money and shampoo at the same time one day which is how I found it.) I don't have an odor problem like you do but my hair was rather greasy at times and with Dawn, it isn't. Also I'm 78 and don't have gray hair. I don't know if Dawn has anything to do with that or not. Basically Dawn is strong and cuts grease etc. It may help. Prayer works too. Try that. I'll say a prayer for you also.

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