How can adult scolisis be treated? I have a very crooked spine at 80yr
I first noticed a knot in my back, then listing to the right.I ave had pain in my back for years. I think it all goes back to a helicopter crash landing into trees. The reason for this was that we were on fire after an internal fuel tank blew up. Now this occurred back in 1973 and I have had problems with my neck and back ever since, My spine did not noticeably go crooked until just the last 3 or 4 years and the pain is getting worse.
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I was diagnosed with scoliosis at 28 yrs of age. Don't think they looked for it before then. I was told I needed full surgery like rods to straighten. Did not do the surgery. I did not have much pain through the years and continued to be active. I skied, tennis, hiking, etc without issues but now at 70 I realize that I need to do something to help keep me functioning. I get a massage once or twice a month which really helps. I just started accupuncture which I am not sure if it helps yet. I walk 3+ miles every morning before starting my day, staying active is essential. I stretch in the morning as well. I have been through PT so many times I stopped counting. The exercises are good but each therapist gives you different ones and you need to figure out which ones work best for you. You need to be your own advocate for your condition. See different doctors, therapists, etc. and do not rely just on meds that the doctors give you for pain. Sounds like your journey is becoming your new challenge in life.
Have you had recent MRIs of your cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine? Where are your curvatures the worst? Do you have disc issues like bulges and herniations, osteoarthritis, and stenosis? Are your vertebrae slipping over each other causing instability? I have stenosis and degenerative disc disease plus neurogenic claudication and had cervical and lumbar decompression and fusion surgeries. I am female and currently 55 years old. You can try pain management like injections and medications plus physical therapy before considering surgery if recommended by a neurosurgeon or orthopedic spine specialist. If you are at risk of injuring your spinal cord, surgery may be recommended asap.