Hip pain directly on hip bone

Posted by Rom828 @jgallagher04921, Feb 12 9:22am

Anyone have hip pain directly on the hip bone and can relate to:

Hurts to get up from sitting , sometimes walking and lots of pain if I kick my hip out. I kicked my hip out the other day and held it ( even though it hurt), then I felt a pop. Pain did not get better or worse. Got worse after seeing Chiropractor.

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It would help to know a little more about the pain to get you pointed in the right direction...
Can you describe it - an ache, a sharp pain, a spot where you can press and feel the pain radiate?
Next, where is it? the point where the femur inserts into the pelvis, and feeling pain at the side, or is it more in the upper buttock, on infrastructure, near the groin?

Each of these can point to a different cause - arthritis, bursitis, sciatica, tendinitis, a damaged hip joint.

What makes it better - ice, heat, rest, ibuprofen or tylenol?

Most hip pain will respond to some form of conservative treatment. Then you learn the cause and work to prevent it from happening again.
Here I a publication from Mayo Clinic that might help you narrow it down:


Have you been to an orthopedic hip specialist for X-rays and MRIs to show joints and soft tissues and source of pain? I have hip pain and had a hip specialist tell me my joint was fine but my MRI showed bilateral gluteal tendonopathy and bilateral high grade partial hamstring tears. It is worse on my right and it is difficult to go up stairs, squat and stand up from a seated position. I’m not sure if I will need surgery to repair the tears at some point if there is no improvement. Physical therapy is supposed to help but I have not had much improvement.


I have had pain and balance problems for some years because of bone spurs destroying the head of my femur and causing it to dislocate from the socket. I have rejected the offere of hip replacement but am going to have Kenalog injections in the hip and work with a physical therapist to regain muscle strength. I feel confident this will make an enormous difference.


Inquire re: hip arthrogram. It is a test that helps diagnose joint issues like the hip. These tests can show ligament, tendon and cartilage issues. Similar symptoms resulted in dx of a labrum tear in L hip. Surgery was not recommended due to potential issues related to EDS.


I have had pain and balance problems for some years because of bone spurs destroying the head of my femur and causing it to dislocate from the socket. I have rejected the offere of hip replacement but am going to have Kenalog injections in the hip and work with a physical therapist to regain muscle strength. I feel confident this will make an enormous difference.

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Hi Martha,

Sorry for the hip pain you're experiencing. All of my joints, including my hips, are full of arthritic osteophytes.

I have a hip that needs to be replaced. The pain I get is located on the right side of my groin. That seemed like a strange place for hip pain, but the hip joint does lie directly under the groin.

Out of curiosity, why don't you want a replacement? I certainly think joint replacement is the last option, after you've exhausted other avenues. I'm not familiar with Kenalog, I hope it helps you.

Would you ever consider replacement, and if no, what would be the reasons? I'm just curious. I've had both knees successfully replaced and there is no more pain. And I did exhaust all my options.

Thanks Martha, and please be well.



Thanks for your concern. It is helpful to know of others responses to dilemmas. I am 84 and basically very healthy . There is no guarantee that a hip replacement will be successful, nor is there any guarantee that I will be able to handle the recovery period successfully. I do believe with temporary injections to deal with the pain and intense physical therapy I will be able to handle life successfully.


So you know I fell and it took 8 months to get anyone to stop gaslighting me and discover I have 2 tears in my hip labrum. As I'm not an athlete, and I'm 70 and female, yeah, all in my head I guess.

I am scheduled to drive 300+ miles Monday/Tuesday to see a really good hip surgeon for a replacement at Mayo in Jacksonville! Yeah! (It took so long to dx me, I ended up with a flattened ball of my hip and arthritis.) Hip replacement is an easier surgery than a labrum repair tho so it is whst it is.

I'm telling you this because my symptoms sound a lot like yours. Walking, sitting painful esp walking after sitting. Bed is the only relief but that destroys the rest of your muscles and body and bone density even.

I'm just putting that on the table for you as a consideration. Wish me luck with my right gas pedal hip driving 7 hrs each way alone at 70. We do what we've got to do. But I've waited several months for this appointment so I'm very excited to go meet the Mayo surgeon and hope he's willing to do the surgery because of other medical issues. I can't live with this pain anymore!
My best.


I had horrible hip pain. I involuntarily screamed when I tried to move around. I even ended up in the emergency room when I fell. I finally learned it was my back not my hip that was causing the pain. I had a steroid injection in my back and I have had no more pain.

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