Hill Grade IV??

Posted by hyrulewarrior @hyrulewarrior, Jul 3, 2024

I was able to get my results back from my work up and was never told but apparently my valve or flap, I’m not fully sure is Hill Grade IV and I have a small hiatal hernia. I tried to do more searching on this and either got confused or met with people saying surgery is needed but I’ve never been spoken to about this, my GI who I will be no longer seeing also kinda brushed off my Gastroperisis diagnosis at first so I can’t say I’m shocked. I guess I’m just nervous and curious if anyone knows how to explain this to me or if I will need surgery or if it’s just a watch and see type of deal, thank you all!

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Hi, I just found your post and I'm going through the same thing. Did you get any answers?

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