High Lipase levels, left flank pain, vomiting, diarrhea,weight loss
I have been going to the ER and doctor for the past year complaining about pain on my left side wrapping around to the back. The pain is near my rib cage. Everytime I complain and the doctor orders blood work everything looks good with the exception of my Lipase levels. My Lipase levels are high. My symptoms are getting worse and I have lost over 30 pounds in the past 90 days. I don't have an appetite, I'm nauseous, experiencing diarrhea and vomiting shortly after eating solid food. Also, I get the hiccups at least 12 times a day. I followed up with my doctor today and she is sending me for a CT Scan of the abdomen and pelvis. The pain that I experience is burning. Does anyone know what is going on with me?
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Hello @holligirl71 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I'm sorry to hear that you have been struggling with these symptoms for a year but I'm glad to hear that you will be getting a CT scan soon. Mayo Connect is a patient-to-patient support network and we are not medical professionals so we can't make diagnoses, we can only share our experiences.
Here is a link from WebMD that explains what high lipase levels can mean, https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/what-is-a-lipase-test. I encourage you to read this. As you can see, it can indicate problems with the pancreas as well as other problems with the digestive tract. Given your weight loss, I can understand your concern.
Do you already have the CT scan scheduled?
@holligirl71, a year later, have you found any answers?
@holligirl71 did you ever find out what was causing your symptoms? I have been experiencing something very similar with no answers over the last 6 months.
Amylase and Lipase levels indicate issues with your pancreas. The tail of the pancreas is on the left side. You sound like you may have pancreatitis but not sure why someone has not done further testing well before this. The weight loss and ongoing symptoms would be worrisome. Hopefully you are not anemic. If they do the standard tests it would be included in your CBC. You have a lot of the symptoms of pancreatitis but for a yr going through this I am surprised you are not sicker than you are. Where do you live? I can not imagine a doctor not following through when seeing a high Lipase level doing a CT Scan of your abdomen right away. I hope you find your answers soon. I am sure they did an Amylase they usually are done together.. If not get one..and I would certainly question my doctor as to why this has taken so long to get other diagnostic tests to find the answer. Please let us know how you do. I am pretty sure it is your pancreas that is causing issues. Are you a diabetic? Do you still have your gallbladder? Any digestive issues like peptic ulcer?
Go to Mayo Clinic website https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hiccups/symptoms-causes/syc-20352613be
and look for hiccups. There are several illnesses that cause hiccups.
Lipase levels are usually and indicator for your pancreas. Amylase as well.. it can be for other issues as well but the weight loss makes me think pancreatitis.. go to the doctor.. someone took your blood so what else showed up abnormal? You have pain, weight loss and elevated Lipase.. what doctor sees that and doesn't order a CT scan of the abdomen.. how long has this been going on? Do you still have your gallbladder?.. not enough info but enough to know you need a doctor
Funny I have the exact same symptoms and just read a note from an er visit in June that my Pancreas checked, and that she said she called me. Nope! I’m still sick losing weight, a week ago I had a stool test and nothing, go figure. Mayo completely ruined our town so yeah I guess why am I surprised they just left me here to be a caretaker of two kids, when I’m sick as a dog! Sorry just found this out and I’m livid.