Shortness of Breath - Is it a hiatial hernia?

Posted by davej @davej, Jun 12, 2024

I've developed a shortness of breath and my doctor said I may have hiatial hernia as of today no appointments or testing has been scheduled anybody have any recommendations

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I would insist on a test to verify hiatal hernia. There should never be a place in medical for guess work when it comes to Shortness of breath.


I would insist on a test to verify hiatal hernia. There should never be a place in medical for guess work when it comes to Shortness of breath.

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I 100% agree, especially not knowing what type of Dr suggested this. PCP, cardiologist, GI doc? If you can’t get an endoscopy asap, I personally would see a cardiologist. You didn’t mention other symptoms but if shortness of breath is your only symptom, maybe the cardiologist first would be my inclination. Hiatal hernias can cause sob but if you’re just beginning the process of finding the cause, and haven’t had other testing to rule out other causes, I would support you getting other providers involved to help figure this out. Take care.


I understand that there are also ENT's who can do a laryngoscopy, which does not require sedation as does the gastro endoscopy. Maybe others can say if they know if this is a good way to detect a hiatal hernia. Not all ENT's can do this test.


I was DX'd with an HH through an endoscopy done by a gastroenterologist. The GI docs are the ones who oversee the digestive tract below the throat area. If there is a way for an ENT to go that far down with a scope that would be worthwhile to know. I have complained of SOB for years. No GI doctor or PCP has ever said it could be because of a HH. I would be interested in hearing how come your doctor thinks that could be the cause. Good luck!


I had a bit of shortness of breath, but mostly because of a nagging cough for many years I went to a cardiologist and this very thorough Dr. did 6 tests and found I had a triple blockage, shocking to me, but I AM a "foodie" and after I retired I was told to take the statins but didn't because they caused such muscle and joint ache and feel that was the cause. Anyway had the open heart surgery , 2 mth. later got back to playing pickle ball and biking but still had the cough, so went to a GI doctor, he did an endoscopy ,took photos of my "hiatal hernia" , OK, now I thought I had an answer, so I found a surgeon who does hiatal hernia surgery ( called Nissen fundoplication ) but he said he would not do it without two more tests -so he sent me to HIS GI doctor and that doctor did two extensive tests, one with a "chip" inserted and the other with the tube up the nose -these have names but forgot what they are called !! So, after, this GI doctor said I "don't have a hiatal hernia and so I don't need surgery !!! WHATTT ? now I am back to "square one" but the surgeon said that is why I wanted the two other tests. I was now told by another GI doctor that it could be a "SLIDING HERNIA" anyone heard of this ?? I am so frustrated in not being able to stop the cough of many years, and improving my breathing for the sports and "life" that I enjoy !!! HELP !!!


I had a bit of shortness of breath, but mostly because of a nagging cough for many years I went to a cardiologist and this very thorough Dr. did 6 tests and found I had a triple blockage, shocking to me, but I AM a "foodie" and after I retired I was told to take the statins but didn't because they caused such muscle and joint ache and feel that was the cause. Anyway had the open heart surgery , 2 mth. later got back to playing pickle ball and biking but still had the cough, so went to a GI doctor, he did an endoscopy ,took photos of my "hiatal hernia" , OK, now I thought I had an answer, so I found a surgeon who does hiatal hernia surgery ( called Nissen fundoplication ) but he said he would not do it without two more tests -so he sent me to HIS GI doctor and that doctor did two extensive tests, one with a "chip" inserted and the other with the tube up the nose -these have names but forgot what they are called !! So, after, this GI doctor said I "don't have a hiatal hernia and so I don't need surgery !!! WHATTT ? now I am back to "square one" but the surgeon said that is why I wanted the two other tests. I was now told by another GI doctor that it could be a "SLIDING HERNIA" anyone heard of this ?? I am so frustrated in not being able to stop the cough of many years, and improving my breathing for the sports and "life" that I enjoy !!! HELP !!!

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I know how frustrating it can be. I too have a sliding hiatal hernia. When it gets stuck in the up position I get so much pain. The ER told me on Tuesday that they could not see the hernia on xray but because I refused the dye their view was limited. That's crap if you ask me. They could see a lot on the xray but just love to use us as lab rats. Sliders are very hard to detect. We know they are there as we live in these bodies but unless they do invasive testing, they say they are not there. I too have a cough from the hernia which causes the silent reflux to creep up especially during the night. I sleep sitting up which helps, i don't eat 3 to 4 hours before bed, i take a gaviscon before sleep, my food intake is minimal and bland. Just not sure what can be done. I do not think surgery is the answer for me. It might be different for you. I would find another doctor if I were you until you get someone who will listen to you.


I know how frustrating it can be. I too have a sliding hiatal hernia. When it gets stuck in the up position I get so much pain. The ER told me on Tuesday that they could not see the hernia on xray but because I refused the dye their view was limited. That's crap if you ask me. They could see a lot on the xray but just love to use us as lab rats. Sliders are very hard to detect. We know they are there as we live in these bodies but unless they do invasive testing, they say they are not there. I too have a cough from the hernia which causes the silent reflux to creep up especially during the night. I sleep sitting up which helps, i don't eat 3 to 4 hours before bed, i take a gaviscon before sleep, my food intake is minimal and bland. Just not sure what can be done. I do not think surgery is the answer for me. It might be different for you. I would find another doctor if I were you until you get someone who will listen to you.

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I have never had any pain, can eat whatever I want -take omeprazole so it takes care of the acid reflux, so only a cough which sometimes can get really bad until I clear my throat ! I never knew I had the hernia until I took myself to a GI doctor and he found it !! But, the surgeon now says, if the hernia can't be seen, you don't need surgery, so I may have to live with the cough ,which is more annoying than anything, but I would like to have more stamina for my exercise of pickle ball and also biking !! I have no trouble sleeping just the usual getting up a couple of times a night !!!!!! I'm trying to get 7 - 8 hr. but usually get 6 - 7.


Shortness of breath can be a symptoms of so MANY disorders. I have a hiatal hernia and also had shortness of breath that I never had before. It turned out my iron and ferritin were extremely low and I also discovered I had Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma. My shortness of breath had absolutely nothing to do with my hiatal hernia which I’ve had for years. Once I received treatment for low iron and SLL, my shortness of breath improved dramatically.

If you hadn’t done so already, I would start with a complete work up including a CBC with differential, CMP, iron, ferritin, TIBC, Transferrin, complete thyroid panel. If those results are fine then think about a pulmonary function test.

If your doctor doesn’t rule out other causes besides a hiatal hernia, you might wind up having a Nissen Fundoplication surgery that may not be warranted at all.


Thank you all for the peices of information, I hope it's ok if i print these ideas out and give them to my cardiologist when i get to meet with her for my next examine.


I would insist on a test to verify hiatal hernia. There should never be a place in medical for guess work when it comes to Shortness of breath.

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absolutely agree. Have to get that professionally assessed.

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