Hi, just found out I have stage 3 rectal cancer

Posted by johare77 @johare77, Jul 9, 2023

I'm 46, don't have any health issues, went in for routine colonospy and found out I have stage 3 rectal cancer with 4 suspected lymph nodes infected. My tumor is so low in rectum I'm being told that a colostomy is the most probable outcome. I will begin chemo and radiation before surgery. I'm scared, I've broken down a few times, Reading these posts has helped, thank you all for sharing. I have so many questions. But the one that concerns me most is, how often is does stage 3 diagnosis become a stage 4 at a later date after all treatments are completed

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If you do chemo and radiation that should stop the spread of your cancer. I was diagnosed with Anal cancer in March. It had spread to two lymph nodes. I went the chemo and 30 treatments of radiation. It was very hard but I made it and I am 68!! I go for my petscan in August to see if I am cancer free! I did not have to have a colostomy bag. Praying for you!

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