Hematoma lasting for years?

Posted by alicome @alicome, Nov 18, 2023

This isn't a very big thing but i'm just wondering if i should see a doctor or not. I had fallen down the stairs and the main impact point when i fell was my arm and I thought i broke it but it almost immediately grew into a big lump and got super discoloured. Over a few weeks it was slowly going away and the colour was gone, and almost 3 years later, i still have a small hard lump and it only hurts when i touch or put pressure on it (like laying down on it). And it's not actually painful, it feels like touching a bruise at first then it starts going numb and tingly sensation over the lump.

Sorry the picture isn't the best 😭

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I fell on right thigh 1.5 years ago on a railroad tie, herb garden surround, huge hand-sized hematoma, did get it examined, nothing broken (battery weedwhacker tossed off so that was saved!). then fell onto a cardboard box edge (cats' hideaway) in same area this year.reported to PCP, no treatment was offered as best to see if body can absorb, Is now slight swelling, only hurts if i bump, would also if i lay on that side, which i cannot anyway. will likely have damaged tissue, veins etc forever as too late to do anything now. surgery to reduce if warranted, but is blood filled tissue, irritated nerves, bone trauma, so limited options. was an Xray done, if not, could be good to rule out as soft tissue damage not appears on Xray unless something has solidified; bone bruises can also happen. mine is still "soft" but tender. Get an exam to rule possibilities in or out, and do not let "them" dismiss you - odds are you may have a slight issue that may or may not go away, but you are entitled to know either way. If nothing, great; if something needs attention, better to know. a walk-in may be enough to order Xray, and go from there, hopefully just home, intact. Luck is on your side - or arm!


Hematomas commonly form hard lumps, some after even more time go away. You could have it removed. Did you have an xray three years ago? How small is this small thing. It looks a little large in the photo unless you have strong deltas.


Hematomas commonly form hard lumps, some after even more time go away. You could have it removed. Did you have an xray three years ago? How small is this small thing. It looks a little large in the photo unless you have strong deltas.

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I did have an x-ray and i was told it looked fine. it's about size of my palm (about 3 inches). I was just wondering if i should be concerned.


My concern was that if you had a hairline fracture it could be causing internal inflammation or infection. It sounds as if pressure on the lump cuts off nerve supply, which isn't a problem. It doesn't seem like it will go away, but will reduce in size and may calcify.


@alicome I slipped on front steps almost 30 years ago. I had a huge hematoma on my right buttocks that was very painful. I went to my family doctor at the time who examined me and did not suggest any treatment. All of the colors (purple, black, etc.) went away. I no longer have a visible lump but there is tenderness and some sort of hardening in that area. A physical therapist and later a massage therapy suggested to me that it would have been good idea to massage the hematoma after the pain subsided. Over time that would have broken down the swelling. Well, that didn’t happen at the time and now it’s very late in the game.

I’d suggest asking your doctor if treatment with a massage therapist would be OK. This assumes no poorly healed fractures or nerve damage.

Do think that’s an option for you?

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