Help with PSA reading

Posted by ldduck1968 @ldduck1968, Jul 31, 2023

55 healthy no cancer. I always had a PSA of .5. This year it went up to .9. It went up .4 in one year. I did have intercourse with my wife 12 hours before. I see doc in 3 weeks. I am sort of scared because of the spike. Should I be worried? What do you think urologist will tell me? Could it be bad?

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Disclaimer, not a doctor by any means....

I wouldn't be too concerned at this point. Those numbers are still , well within the normal levels. Trend is more important and one test can't give you that.

Sex could spike it, I've read here that some exercise can do that, cycling, etc. . Maybe a little dehydrated, even though that can be alarming from a percentage point of view, those are still very low numbers. If you are really worried about it, test again in 3 mos. If the numbers are still down in that range, I'd think you're okay.

My guess is the doc's response is going to be "see ya next year".


Sex probably spiked your PSA. Your doctor will probably say see you in a year or maybe 6 months, but you could ask for another test sooner if it's really bothering you. Stay away from the wife this time though. 😄


I will stay away from the wife next test. Lol. So at .9 more than likely doc will reccomend a retest? That is what I think he would say. I had a solid 5 psa since I started tested about 5 yrs ago.


I apologize for personal question. No need to answer. I do not intend to offend anyone. Does one get erectile dysfunction after treatment of prostate? Internet answers are all over the place.


PSA - very low numbers. I believe protocol is 3 consecutive increases in PSA may be a trend. Repeat the test 30 days to confirm. Then another interval; the Dr should advise.
ED - is a possible side effect from treatment of the prostate for cancer, BPH and other medical issues.
Too many variables to your question to respond.
Many on this site recommend the book by Patrick Walsh, MD "Surviving Prostate Cancer ". It also is a very good tutorial on the prostate, which you may find educational.


My radiologist/oncologist said you should not ride a bike or have vigorous sex 72 hours prior to PSA test. It can affect the PSA level.

There are many medical providers web sites that you can research on PSA. My PSA 15 years ago was .75. Back in 2017 I started doing Sprint Triathlons and doing a lot of bike training. My PSA started rising small numbers but just kept rising. My primary care doctor and I thought it might be the bike riding irritating the prostrate. So we took a couple of them with no recent biking. It still kept rising each time.

When it got to 3.5 (4.0 and lower is normal) my primary Mayo care doctor (who is outstanding) did not like the increasing numbers and referred me to urologist. Urologist did exam and MRI with contrast. Showed supicious areas. Then Mayo urolgist did MRI/Fusion biopsies. Several areas came back cancer.

So when you read you can have prostrate cancer and have normal PSA I am one of them. Also true is you may not have cancer when your PSA level is above normal. The bottom line with PSA is that the prostrate is the only organ that makes it. So rising number are either irritation or cancer.

One thing I recommend that I don't see a lot of discussion on is the Decipher test. Mayo did a Decipher test on me and came back at a lower risk level that biopsies were. Did not change the treatments just that no hormone treatments would have been recommended. I showed no cancer outside prostrate (bone scan, PET scan).

I am waiting for my first PSA test after treatments. I will not have that until October at the 90 day mark. So keeping my fingers crossed.

The books mentioned above are excellent. Just remember you are an individual and do lot of reserach, get second opinions and become a knowledgeable patients when dealing with your treatments and tests.


I apologize for personal question. No need to answer. I do not intend to offend anyone. Does one get erectile dysfunction after treatment of prostate? Internet answers are all over the place.

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This happens most of the time with most prostate cancer treatments. If you've got specific questions about this, or would like to just get a broad response, I suggest starting a new thread. Click on on "Prostate Cancer" at the top left of this page, then click on "Start a New Discussion" a bit down on the left.


IDDUCK1968, So glad to see you are on top of your PSA numbers and doctors are talking to you about this early in the process. Definitely low PSA numbers, but one thing I have learned from my research is that your PSA level does not give you a definitive yes or no for the presence of prostate cancer. As a medical lay-person, it is my opinion that the velocity and doubling time are as important, possibly more important, than the actual PSA level. There are many knowledgeable people on this site and I am sure you will get a lot of great feedback.

Good luck,



I apologize for personal question. No need to answer. I do not intend to offend anyone. Does one get erectile dysfunction after treatment of prostate? Internet answers are all over the place.

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I had a PSA go from 2.4 to 4.8 in one year. VA Urologist refused to see me, I went outside the VA with my private insurance. Biopsy came back gleason 10. I had 46 radiation treatments and at this time have been on orgovyx hormone for 11 months, 1 year to go. First PSA following radiation was .04. Considered zero. As to ED, the treatment has not changed my ability sexually. If I had opted for radical prostectomy of course it would be different. I would have another psa done if I were you, not even wait those 3 months. Mine went up from 4.8 to 6 in 3 weeks. Glad I was proactive and did not listen to a VA urologist who told me 4.5 was normal. It wasn't for me. It was all about the fast rise

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