Anyone had 33 sessions of radiation for DCIS with lymph node?

Posted by dmosssadler @dmosssadler, Mar 5 3:26pm

I was diagnosed woth DCIS with Lymp Node involvement.
My Omcology Radiologist that I will have to do 33 treatments of radiation.
I have already had my lumpectomy & 8 rounds of chemo.
Has anyone experienced 33 sessions & if so.
What should I expect.

Any feedback is much appreciated. Thank you

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The number of sessions vary for reasons I'm not sure. I do know that the total amount of radiation (over all sessions) might be the same. I had 19 sessions and I had the maximum total of RADS. So the amount was less than 3 RADS per visit. A better question might be how much radiation per session.
I wish you well. Of all treatments (chemo, surgery and radiation) I was terrified of the radiation the most, it turned out to be the easiest.


As Maggie said, it is the amount of radiation. Ask your radiation oncologist about this. Your rad onc is probably administring a lower dose over a longer period of time than those who have 14 or 15 sessions.
I had thirty "sessions". The sessions are short. It will take more time for you to get out of your clothes and into a johnny or robe than the actual radiation.
Make sure you use the suggested lotions. They gave me a choice of Aquaphor or Calendula. I went with Calendula. Your radiation oncologist's nurse may recommend something different. Follow the nurse's instructions. This is to avoid burning and blistering. I didn't burn. I got what looked like a tan or discoloration on my skin. I did get some intense itching though. If you have just been through chemo, you may be worn out emotionally. The whole cancer treatment is stressful. Try to be good to yourself and remind yourself it will end.
Again, do what your rad onc or the nurse suggests. Keep asking questions. Radiation is much easier than chemo but it will make you very tired. Toward the end, I was so tired that I I needed a friend to drive me there. But soon after that, it was over. It takes awhile to recover from the fatigue. Be sure to let your rad onc or the nurse know if you have concerns. Best wishes!


I too had about 20 sessions of rad and I asked for an explanation of why so many and they explained the amount that was administered each session equaled a certain amount of radiation used. It took longer to change then to have the sessions. I had previously had a bilateral so I took to wearing shirts that were easy to get in and out of so I could return home after. It was suggested I use the Aquaphor and took to wearing a sort of bib under my clothes so they weren't damaged by the Aquaphor which has a petroleum type base. I was still working through out my entire BC journey and I am one of the lucky ones that had minimal fatigue from my chemo and radiation - surgery is surgery so that took a different toll on my body. But from all the procedures - radiation was the easiest. Best of luck.

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