Have you tried to quit smoking while undergoing treatment?
The decision to quit smoking is a very personal one. Everyone has his or her own reason that helps start the journey to quit smoking. The diagnosis of a serious illness or chronic condition, like cancer, a heart condition, lung condition, diabetes, might be one reason to quit smoking as part of treatment and recovery.
Are you currently undergoing treatment for a serious illness or chronic condition, or are you a survivor of a serious illness who made the decision to quit smoking while undergoing treatment? If yes, and you feel comfortable doing so, please share the experience of your journey to quit smoking.
Thank you for sharing your experiences anonymously in the online survey. The survey is now closed.
However you can continue to share your experiences here in an open discussion with other members. Your story can help others on their journey to quit smoking.
- Did you decide to quit while undergoing treatment? Why or why not?
- What uncertainties or challenges did you face?
- How did your care providers support you to quit smoking? How could they have supported you differently or better?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Cancer Support Group.
So far In doing pretty good 🙂
I stopped yesterday so far so good. Trying it without using any meds like Chantex or nicotine patches, etc. 🙂
@kowalski good morning. I set my calendar to give my support after your last entry stating your quit day would be 4/15. It’s a hard thing to do. I hope you hanging in there. virgo
@lynann99- Good morning. How are you doing with your decison to quit smoking? Do you have a D day?
Good morning @kowalski- Yesterday was D day for you. How are you doing today?
I have not started it yet
@lynann99- Welcome to Mayo Connect. How are you doing with Chantix? It's a popular drug to help with nicotine.
I am having chemo treatments every 3 weeks indefinitely, i have ovarian cancer thats so stubborn it keeps coming back.im on a few diffetents meds fir it and now,my primary care doctor just prescribed Chantex...not sure of the spelling. Anyone else take this stuff to quit smoking while undergoing chemo?
@danab Your story about going outside to smoke when you were in the hospital reminded me of when I was in my early 20s. I had whooping cough and was living at my mother's house - it lasted for a month. When she went out to do errands I would have a cigarette! Of course that would bring on a fit of coughing. How stupid were both of us? Crazy!
I’ll mark my calendar and give you a “ you can do it” that day! Because you can good luck