Has anyone tried NUCCA Chiropractic?

Posted by mikaylar @mikaylar, Nov 12, 2023

I need advice on whether to try it for a daily persistent headache and cervical neck pain

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Thanks for the info. Having trouble finding one nearby. They are scarce.


You might try going to a regular chiropractor. They all use the activator pen. And I've never gone to one who didn't do a full exam (except the NUCCA guy) which is rare now in mainstream medicine. They know a lot about body mechanics.
I always feel like it isn't just my neck. My thoracic is very active in the positioning of my neck. You don't have to agree to full thrust adjustments. They are happy to just use the pen. It's so much easier for them.
But then instead of having a machine line up your neck, the chiropractor lines you up in relation to the rest of your body.
Chiropractors also adjust for TMJ. Basically they feel all your bones through a sort of massage. Then they can tell you --T1&T2 are offsetting cervical C5 &C6 or whatever. I think my shoulder muscles pull on the scalenes that are attached to the cervical.
Of course, we really want relief, but it helps me to know what and why.
Like the rest of professions , some chiropractors are better than others. Don't give up, though.


@mikaylar I just wanted you to know that the condition and integrity of your spinal discs can put you at great risk with a chiropractic adjustment. If you have had an injury like a whiplash, that can cause minute cracks in the outer fibrous layer of a disc, and in time with aging, discs naturally dry out. That can cause the cracks to open up a bit and further weaken the disc. It make not take much to cause the disc to rupture. That was true in my case. I was not seeing a chiropractor, but all I had to do to herniate and rupture a disc was to turn my head when I was stretching my neck. I heard it pop, and my head suddenly turned farther. The rupture causes the jelly like nucleus inside to spill out spreading inflammation, and the body tries to help by growing bone spurs to stabilize it. At that point, I was on the path to spine surgery a few years later.

Muscle spasms do affect spine alignment and cause pain, and that can be addressed with much gentler treatments such as myofascial release (MFR). That stretches the webbing like net of overly tight fascia that is pulling the bones around, and releasing it will allow the body to move better and to get back into better body wide alignment. Some chiropractors do this myofascial release work, and mostly it is done by physical therapists and massage therapists. Mayo does have 2 MFR therapists who are also chiropractors in their rehab area.

You can learn more in our discussion:

Neuropathy - "Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain"

There is a provider search at https://www.mfrtherapists.com/

One condition that can also add a lot of complexity to spine issues and scalene muscle tightness is thoracic outlet syndrome which I have in addition to being a spine surgical patient.


MFR work can also treat thoracic outlet syndrome. I have been doing this for several years and it helps a lot.

Have you heard of MFR before?


Call me an old skeptic, but, I have been to 7 or 8 different chiroprators for various ailments. I know that a lot of people swear by their chiropractors, but, to be honest, I have never had one help me in any way, shape, or form.


Call me an old skeptic, but, I have been to 7 or 8 different chiroprators for various ailments. I know that a lot of people swear by their chiropractors, but, to be honest, I have never had one help me in any way, shape, or form.

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Have you done PT? I am thinking about going back to PT for my neck. It is less invasive and the massage feels good. They also stretch my neck which helps my headache but for only a short time? I can't just sit here doing nothing for this headache that doctors cannot figure out.


hiesenberg34, I understand your position because I'm older and skeptical. Also because I don't think chiropractics helps everyone. Plus the concept seems a little crazy. So fifty years ago I went with a friend, almost as a lark, but my knee pain was immediately gone. Coincidence, I thought. By now I've seen more chiropractors that anyone has a right to. Like every profession, some good, some neutral. Some better with the neck, some unbeatable with the hip. And I've never been hurt by a chiropractor.
I have slight soliosis and the torsion displaces specific areas the SI joint and the ribs at T1 and T2. I'm in the office for 15minutes the adjustment take about 6 minutes.
The deepest value is the first assessment. Chiropractors understand whole spine mechanics . And they can tell you exactly what activity, muscle and joint is involved.
The best thing about this forum is the diversity of ideas. So, I thank you and respect your response. And I'm not going to call you anything but thoughtful and generous for expressing your experience.


hiesenberg34, I understand your position because I'm older and skeptical. Also because I don't think chiropractics helps everyone. Plus the concept seems a little crazy. So fifty years ago I went with a friend, almost as a lark, but my knee pain was immediately gone. Coincidence, I thought. By now I've seen more chiropractors that anyone has a right to. Like every profession, some good, some neutral. Some better with the neck, some unbeatable with the hip. And I've never been hurt by a chiropractor.
I have slight soliosis and the torsion displaces specific areas the SI joint and the ribs at T1 and T2. I'm in the office for 15minutes the adjustment take about 6 minutes.
The deepest value is the first assessment. Chiropractors understand whole spine mechanics . And they can tell you exactly what activity, muscle and joint is involved.
The best thing about this forum is the diversity of ideas. So, I thank you and respect your response. And I'm not going to call you anything but thoughtful and generous for expressing your experience.

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Thanks for your response. I had a chiropractor who had been in practice for over 30 years tell me that if a DC can't help in 3 or 4 visits, walk away. Well, I had a guy who took every visit (16) that insurance allowed for a year, within a month. No help at all from all the snap, crackle, and pop.


I'm sorry. What about the people who go for maintenance? Is that ligit?


I'm sorry. What about the people who go for maintenance? Is that ligit?

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As I said, there are a lot of people who swear by their chiropractors. If it works for them, great! Hasn't done anything for me. The last straw was when the above mentioned DC took a bluish laser and ran it over my forehead which was supposedly for my back pain. He gave me some mumbo jumbo that made no sense. I guess as long as the DC sticks to spinal manipulation, all is well.


As I said, there are a lot of people who swear by their chiropractors. If it works for them, great! Hasn't done anything for me. The last straw was when the above mentioned DC took a bluish laser and ran it over my forehead which was supposedly for my back pain. He gave me some mumbo jumbo that made no sense. I guess as long as the DC sticks to spinal manipulation, all is well.

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I stopped seeing mine because he was too forceful. I came home feeling worse. He told me to use ice all the time and my orthopaedic surgeon said never ice; heat and I should find a new chiro. So, who do you believe?

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