Has anyone stopped Evinity before a yr ?

Posted by dreamjean1958 @dreamjean1958, Aug 1, 2023

I have been on Evinity for 6 months. My Dr may be taking me off . Getting really bad side affects. They last for a week . Not sure if I should live with it or Stop. I’ll be put on something else. He did mention . With Evinity. The first 6 months. Are your most benefit. What do most of you take after Evenity ? Reclast sounds good . But you can’t have any dental work.
I’m just so confused . I can’t take Forteo . Already used it . Thanks

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I have also been told the first 6 months are the most effective at building bone, with Evenity. Depending on your DEXA scores, you may not need to stay on Reclast. I was told I could have one or two infusions and then, with monitoring, maybe take a med break. That is when I would pay a lot of attention to holistic approaches!


I stopped after 9 months because of increasing joint pain in my hands starting at dose 5. The pain started to decrease before the next dose but at the next dose the pain increased again at a higher level. I won't have a DEXA until February 2024. I was also told that the greatest gains were made in the first 6 months.


I stopped after 9 months because of increasing joint pain in my hands starting at dose 5. The pain started to decrease before the next dose but at the next dose the pain increased again at a higher level. I won't have a DEXA until February 2024. I was also told that the greatest gains were made in the first 6 months.

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Thank you, I think I’m stopping at 6 . I had pain after my 4 th . 5 th got worse and 6 th was in bed for days . Head ache was horrible and the stiffness in my neck. Along with joint pain . Had no clue about any of these side affects What did you get switched to after Evinity . ?


I have also been told the first 6 months are the most effective at building bone, with Evenity. Depending on your DEXA scores, you may not need to stay on Reclast. I was told I could have one or two infusions and then, with monitoring, maybe take a med break. That is when I would pay a lot of attention to holistic approaches!

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I’m not on Reclast . Do you mean stay on Evinity ?


I’m not on Reclast . Do you mean stay on Evinity ?

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Sorry @dreamjean that was in response to a post you wrote. You can go on Reclast after Evenity and unlike Prolia, Reclast gives the possibility of a med break (with monitoring). In fact you need to go on Reclast or Prolia or you will lose gains from Evenity. The problem with Prolia is that it is difficult to get off, according to my docs and McCormick's book.


I stopped after 9 months because of increasing joint pain in my hands starting at dose 5. The pain started to decrease before the next dose but at the next dose the pain increased again at a higher level. I won't have a DEXA until February 2024. I was also told that the greatest gains were made in the first 6 months.

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But @ann707 what did you go on after Evenity to lock in gains?


Sorry you are having these side effects, as I have stated on previous posts in other blogs I had to stop after 5 injections due to the increasing side effects that I was experiencing. You possibly could have a DEXA scan if your MD puts " medically necessary" on the prescription ( of course depending on your Insurance Company) to get it covered. My MD did that and mine was covered and I don't have great Health Insurance. I recently went to get another opinion( on managing my Osteoporosis)this time from an Endocrinologist and she recommended I take a bisphosphonate and prescribed Alendronate because she is worried about me not being on any medication after taking Evenity. Even though I had no improvement with Evenity she feels I might have had some other kind of benefit and she wants to " lock in" any gains. I am still dealing with the side effects from the Evenity and my last dose was 6/26. I wish you good health always and hope you find the answers you need.


Sorry you are having these side effects, as I have stated on previous posts in other blogs I had to stop after 5 injections due to the increasing side effects that I was experiencing. You possibly could have a DEXA scan if your MD puts " medically necessary" on the prescription ( of course depending on your Insurance Company) to get it covered. My MD did that and mine was covered and I don't have great Health Insurance. I recently went to get another opinion( on managing my Osteoporosis)this time from an Endocrinologist and she recommended I take a bisphosphonate and prescribed Alendronate because she is worried about me not being on any medication after taking Evenity. Even though I had no improvement with Evenity she feels I might have had some other kind of benefit and she wants to " lock in" any gains. I am still dealing with the side effects from the Evenity and my last dose was 6/26. I wish you good health always and hope you find the answers you need.

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I did have a Dec Scam . Numbers changed . Not sure if better or not . I have already been told . I will need to go on something. Just not sure what is best . Thank you


Sorry @dreamjean that was in response to a post you wrote. You can go on Reclast after Evenity and unlike Prolia, Reclast gives the possibility of a med break (with monitoring). In fact you need to go on Reclast or Prolia or you will lose gains from Evenity. The problem with Prolia is that it is difficult to get off, according to my docs and McCormick's book.

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Prolia scares me . Does Mc Cormick recommend Reclast or Prolia ? I can’t get the book quick enough .


Prolia scares me . Does Mc Cormick recommend Reclast or Prolia ? I can’t get the book quick enough .

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@dreamjean1958 he recommends Reclast.

He writes a lot about the problems getting off Prolia.

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