Has anyone stopped anatrozole because of carpal tunnel symptoms??

Posted by ldh19 @ldh19, Jun 1, 2023

I have been taking anatrozole for 4yr and 2 months. I started having carpal tunnel symptoms. it was better worse and worse. I called my Dr .He said go off of it for 2 wks and see if it gets better. Its been 4 days and the pain is 90% better. It makes me nervous because I need to take it a t least 7 years by my BCindex . I was stage1 Invasive ductal carcinoma estrogen positive Her2 neg. Oncotype was 11.

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I think I have a similar diagnosis. Have taken anastrozole for 8 months now, 4+ more years at least. I did notice more joint pain with anastrozole plus taking fosamax for bones for two years. Heard an oncologist recommend turmeric for the joint pain. Now taking 1000 mg/ day turmeric and it helps especially with arthritis in hands. Also am mindful of not doing any handwork for too long a time. Maybe a different AI might help. Good luck.


I think I have a similar diagnosis. Have taken anastrozole for 8 months now, 4+ more years at least. I did notice more joint pain with anastrozole plus taking fosamax for bones for two years. Heard an oncologist recommend turmeric for the joint pain. Now taking 1000 mg/ day turmeric and it helps especially with arthritis in hands. Also am mindful of not doing any handwork for too long a time. Maybe a different AI might help. Good luck.

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My medical oncologist for breast cancer gave me a list of herbs not to take and turmeric was on that list as there were some indications that it “triggered” HR+ breast cancer which is what I have. I find it very confusing that doctors give such different advice. On another note, I am sending you a big virtual hug.


My medical oncologist for breast cancer gave me a list of herbs not to take and turmeric was on that list as there were some indications that it “triggered” HR+ breast cancer which is what I have. I find it very confusing that doctors give such different advice. On another note, I am sending you a big virtual hug.

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I have looked on the National Cancer Institute (NCI) website and there have been no adverse effects noted there. I only take 1000 mg which is a relatively low dose. Larger doses can cause GI issues. Also looked on
breastcancer.org website and nothing negative noted. But bottom line, we have to mostly trust our doctors. It would be interesting to know what your doctor knows about turmeric and any negative issues. Stay well and live each day!


I stopped at 4.8 years. My tendons started having problems and I have read that it can be a long term side effect. Going off the meds didn’t improve anything but maybe it was already too far along. I think it is wise to monitor it. There are soft wrist braces that don’t interfere much (except then people start asking about it) but I did end up with tenosynovitis at my wrist (other side of carpal) and needed release surgery. I couldn’t put my finger on any repetitive use of my hands. However! It could have been the Prolia for my bones. My hand surgeon also recommended turmeric with ginger. Check with your doctor. I have read in this forum that many of us are going off intermittently in order to get through whatever number of years are necessary. Be well.


I have been taking anastrozole for about 3 and a half years. Side effects have only occurred lately. I had a period of time were I couldn’t write or play the guitar without pain. After doing weights it improved greatly. Also had painful sciatica. A trainer at the gym gave me exercises for it and after a month or so it was gone. I am not saying it would work for everyone but it did in my case. I find if I miss a day of exercise I feel sore and uncomfortable. I also had a week off the drug which I think helped too. I also take once a month Boniva. It might be helping along with exercise.


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- Aromatase Inhibitors & carpal tunnel and trigger finger: Anyone? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/aromatase-inhibitors-carpal-tunnel-triggers-finger/

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