Has anyone had a Laminectomy and microdiscectomy?

Posted by denman55 @denman55, Feb 22, 2024

I have seen a Neurosurgeon and have been diagnosed with Sciatica. I have been in pretty bad pain since November with this, and now the Neurosurgeon will be doing a Laminectomy on me along with a microdiscectomy, and he will be removing my Interspinous spacer.
Has anyone had a Laminectomy and/or a microdiscectomy? What was the outcome, and how long was your recovery period?

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I had that ,emergency surgery,minimally invasive endoscopically in 98 performed by neurosurgeon at L4. My disc ruptured superiorly and fragmented onto the L4 nerve. Caused Dorsal root ganglion nerve root damage. He was not able to get all disc fragments for fear of paralyzing me.now have scar tissue with disc fragments wrapped around the nerve and now fusion won't help that as far as I understand. Some tried to rushed fusion, went to Mayo and they said No, only if I loose stability or worsen in other areas.
I had to begin walking in the hospital. Was there for 4 days. Was not able to start PT for 9 weeks. Although pain was relieved and never as horribly exquisite as when I went in on a paramedic scoop board, it never went away. Years of pain meds, Pt, Massage, etc. and 2 yrs ago based on Mayo rec started transforaminal injections to the Dorsal root every 90 days. Still take my Gabapentin ,but the injections have helped more than other types of injections. Will keep trying till I die to avoid another surgery ,fusion and go down that path. Adjacent segment problems would probably require multilevel and multiple surgeries. Have developed a tarlov cyst at S2 and retrolithesis at L3 and a hemangioma. I had congenital short pedicules, mild scoliosis and right leg shorter , and small canals so I was destined to fail later in life. That's my story. So maybe in your case it's worth a try , can always have fusion later. Just make sure you have tried patiently everything else. Sometimes they recede. I am basically self fusing on several levels. Good Luck in your decision process, we are all different, some heal and have better success. Wish everyone less pain!

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