Has anyone ever experienced severe pressure/pain in their lower legs ?

Posted by kevinmc @kevinmc, Dec 16, 2023

Has anyone ever experienced severe pressure in their lower legs and feet as a symptom of neuropathy ? If so how did you deal with it ?

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Yes! I use oral pain medication & also things like mental distraction, The mental exercises are my go-to strategy & helps the most. Ben-gay, massage & elevation help. I hope you get some relief soon.


@kevinmc On the pressure topic, are you referring to the very tight sock or tight boot feeling in lower leg and feet? If so, it is very annoying, and I can't get rid of mine.


I am not sure about the feeling of pressure, but I do have very severe cramping muscles which can constrict my feet and toes, even twisting them, and it is very painful. Neuropathy is NOT FUN!


Yes! I use oral pain medication & also things like mental distraction, The mental exercises are my go-to strategy & helps the most. Ben-gay, massage & elevation help. I hope you get some relief soon.

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I second that I mix vicks vapor rub with bengay it helps me. A lot


I second that I mix vicks vapor rub with bengay it helps me. A lot

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I have burning pain in my whole body. I am so hot while sitting the heat build up is unbearable, and I can get chills. I also have burning mouth syndrome. University of Florida Dental school did research study with Alpha lipoic acid (ala) but was inconclusive, didn't work for me, was a year long study. All my neuropathy started when I had bunion surgery. Been bad for 4 years!


Yes, everyday. It's like my foot/ankle and sometimes calf is being strangled. Horrible! Have seen a Neurologist, a vascular surgeon, nothing. Next I am going to see a Podiatrist that specializes in musculoskeletal care


Oh yes. Just part of what we have to put up with.


I went off cholesterol med, vitamin B and calcium and my food pain is better. I do get pain and slight cramping on the outside of the left ankle up to almost the knee that continues. At least my foot pain and tingling is 90% resolved. I also got rid of shoes that were too tight. After my total hip I had foot swelling and my left foot got bigger, so got rid of those shoes. Makes it hard to find what fits though with two different sizes!!


I feel pressure too but also pain. I think the pressure is from mild nerve damage.


@kevinmc You've heard from the voices of (painful) experience. It seems that every person is unique.

I began with pain in the balls of my feet, gradually covering both feet. By now, it feels like a rope is tied tightly around my ankles, and the whole ankle is involved. Numbness and tingling is how it all started, and is what I feel from my toes to my knees.

I met with a pain therapist, and the most helpful thing I came away with is to focus on the pain and notice the different pieces of it. I focus on the tingling, and how it pulses with my heart beat. Or I pay attention to the numbness. She had other good mindfulness exercises that have worked, as well, for my CIDP.

It's hard to relax a hurting body part, but it does relieve pain for me sometimes, if it's what is needed. Two other things - lidocaine 5% cream helps temporarily, and soaking in a bucket of cool tap water. Has anything helped you?


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