Has anyone come across the advert for a drug called Lysozyme?

Posted by bigjohnscho @bigjohnscho, May 13 8:58am

Has anyone come across the advert for a drug called Lysozyme?

This drug is being advertised on Facebook. It is supposed to cure neuropathy. It’s the same old story, the ingredients are found on a remote island called Acaria where neuropathy is none existent. The advert is selling the Protocol on the ingredients and how to use them. The cost is approximately £30. Please post if you know about it.

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I cannot find the product you mention but Lysozyme itself is a naturally produced compound. I personally don’t want to supplement any of it based on this: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scitranslmed.aav4176. Apparently it triggers neuropathic pain.


@bigjohnscho It helps a lot if you begin with the caveat "There is currently NO cure for neuropathy."
So, if someone promises one, it is a big RED flag.
Second, ads on Facebook are notoriously poor sources for medical assistance or advice. If you want better info, stick to a reliable source like Mayo or another site specializing in neuropathy treatment.
Finally, nobody would love a REAL CURE more than people suffering from a condition - if you don't see it on a neuropathy site, it probably isn't true.

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