Has anyone been told that their implant was a little loose after 2 yrs

Posted by snoony2 @snoony2, Jan 1 9:23am

I don’t know if a loose implant is cause for alarm. My orthopedist, who didn’t do the surgery said no cause. It just so happened that I moved to a different state.

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@snoony2 First, can you tell us whether it is your knee or your hip? And which component is loose?
What led you to see the surgeon? Are you having issues with the implant?


It’s my right knee which is stiff. I was told I had bursitis and was given a shot which hasn’t helped. I’m going to pursue pt


After an X-ray I was told that the knee implant is a bit loose


After an X-ray I was told that the knee implant is a bit loose

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That is a curious diagnosis, do they mean the stem is loose inside the tibia? Or the components are loosely fit together? Does the leg feel wobbly or unstable in any way?
If you can find a good rehabilitation PT who will closely examine your leg and movement and view the x-ray, you can probably get a much better explanation.
I'm interested to hear how things progress for you.


Not wobbly. Just stiff. I will let you know what a therapist says


Yes in my left knee…. I did not fall or anything, found out after having it replaced and it became loose again, that I was allergic to the metal…so they put ceramic in and then when they did my right knee, they just automatically put ceramic in it! Remember, movement is your friend, it works…I am pain free!


Interesting you had ceramic put in my implant was loose from get go after 6 months dr wanted to put me under manipulate
I sought 5 more opinions all said my glue had not bonded to bone I had revision done. Almost 3 years later still in pain i now know i am allergic to 11 of the 15 metals in my implant
Where did you find dr who did ceramic?


This is the first I’ve heard of the looseness. I will see what a therapist says


Interesting you had ceramic put in my implant was loose from get go after 6 months dr wanted to put me under manipulate
I sought 5 more opinions all said my glue had not bonded to bone I had revision done. Almost 3 years later still in pain i now know i am allergic to 11 of the 15 metals in my implant
Where did you find dr who did ceramic?

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I live in Nevada, was visiting my nephew in Arizona for 2 months and talking to him he suggested going to Mayo Clinic…we have great insurance (Medicare and TRICARE for life through the military) so I made an appointment and Dr. Clarke took care of me!


I am 69 y/o and had both knees replaced in 2022. Everything went fine and I'm back in the gym each day.

A loose prostheses would concern me and I'd want an explanation as to 1) how it got loose, 2) how to fix it, and if the surgeon says it's not necessary, why?

Metal knee prostheses are placed in one of two ways. For patients with osteoporosis (weakened bone structure) cement will be used to attach the prostheses. If a patient's bones are healthy, the prostheses are literally hammered into place once the bones are cut/smoothed out. These prostheses are porous where they touch the bone, and over time, the bone grows into the pores/prostheses for a tighter fit.

I can't imagine a situation where a loose prostheses would be a good thing. Curious as to what others have to say or experienced.

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