Hard lump on shin

Posted by 2bildeb @2bildeb, Jun 18, 2017

I have a hard lump - just a raised part just under 2 inches long and just raised enough to feel - on the lower section of my shin bone. Have not bumped it - no sign of bruising. Off and on pain and aching. I am on Xerato for a DVT/PE in January, 2017. I have an appointment with a hematologist for the blood clot but wonder if I should see someone else for this problem. I know I spend too much time on Google but the only thing that comes up is bone cancer on their. Any ideas or anyone else had this problem?

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Hi @2bildeb. I just finished a short comment to you on the discussion about Xarelto and suggested there that your priority question for the hematologist is whether Xarelto is in your future indefinitely. Can we assume that your DVT (deep vein thrombosis) is from a vein in your leg (possibly your calf)? If so, the lump on your shin might be related to (or be another incident of) a blood clot, which your Xarelto medication is sometimes used to treat. Perhaps the first question for your hematologist is whether he/she can diagnose the cause of the lump, and if not, advise whom you should see for a diagnosis. Since DVT (in your leg, pelvis, or arm) often leads to pulmonary embolism (PE), I hope you are equipped to find an answer promptly. And if pain and/or breathing symptoms get worse, you will appreciate having ready access to an emergency room. More information about DVT and PE is available at http://mayocl.in/2jHIfoK


My dvt/pe was from my calf to my lung. They did the procedure where they put a cathyter in my leg and got rid of the clots and except part of the one in my lung and groin. The one in my lung is gone and the one in my groin is smaller. The vascular surgeon said he doesn't think the lump is connected to the dvt/pe. I see a hematologist/oncologist in 8 days.


Oh wow, a couple of days ago I developed a hard bump (no red around) on the side of my foot. Previous to that I had severe burning for a few seconds. The burning has stopped and the bump doesn't bother me unless I wear shoes - lol. At first I thought of peripheral neuropathy but then when the bump appeared out of nowhere - it didn't grow gradually - just popped up, I made an appointment with my internist for a check-up - blood workups, etc.
I have no idea why your problem presented itself on your shin but I'd first go to my internist so that other things can be ruled out and then he/she will refer you/me to a specialist as necessary.


@shoregal45 I appreciate your sharing your story - always good advice when you recommend consulting a doctor so that other things can be ruled out and you can get to the root of the problem. By the way, @shoregal45, have you been referred to a specialist yet? Did your internist offer any suggestions as to what this bump might be? Teresa


I saw my internist yesterday and he thought it might be a cyst. I've concluded that it's probably a Ganglion based on symptoms on line and I have made an appointment with my orthopedic foot specialist. Thanks for asking. Sometimes it's best to go with your gut. If I had I would have gone directly to the specialist!


I saw my internist yesterday and he thought it might be a cyst. I've concluded that it's probably a Ganglion based on symptoms on line and I have made an appointment with my orthopedic foot specialist. Thanks for asking. Sometimes it's best to go with your gut. If I had I would have gone directly to the specialist!

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@shoregal45 I'm glad that you have a plan in place and a doctor that you know and have experience with. As we learn from each other's experiences, will you please let us know how you are doing after your next appointment? Teresa
P.S. I know what you mean about "going with your gut." There have been times when I have done just that in spite of doctors telling me something different and the results of those actions were definitely in my favor.

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