Hepatic artery infusion chemotherapy (HAIC) pump for liver mets

Posted by susan159 @susan159, Dec 13, 2022

Does anybody have any experience with the HAI pump for Colon Cancer that has spread to the liver? My Dr. is telling me that this is my best bet; because After 7 months of chemo I still have way too much cancer in my liver for surgery. So the pump is my only hope of ever shrinking the 10 fairly large tumors in my liver enough to ever have surgery. No one implants the pump locally so I'm going to have to travel and have my surgery across the country. I've been told I will need to be away for at least 2 months getting the surgery, recovering, and getting my pump dosage set up and working. I'm pretty stressed about it all. So if anybody has any positive experience with this pump I would love to hear it. I guess I should hear anything negative too. I have been searching the internet and what I see is pretty positive. But I'm a little suspicious that if this works so well, why is the procedure not more widely available?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Colorectal Cancer Support Group.


Thank you for sharing your inspirational sorry. Will look up. We are going for consult tomorrow, very timely. Wish you and your hubby well.

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Wow, okay, just watched the video - thanks for the Sunday morning happy cry < 3.

Congratulations to you and your hubby @ssh32082 . I agree with Colleen's questions. Any details on what to expect and how to support my hubby are appreciated.

May you have a lifetime of celebration days together


My husband got the pump in June 2023 after his colon cancer had metastasized to his liver. He had had systemic chemo prior to that. The pump worked so well that he has now had a second liver resection, and his liver is basically clear of all disease. The pump is definitely an investment in time, but for us it was completely worth it. There is a youtube video by Northwell Health detailing my husband’s journey, but I am
unable to post the link for some reason. Try searching for a YouTube video with this title: “HAI pump: Unique liver cancer treatment gives hope for those with inoperable tumors”

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Thank you for sharing your inspirational sorry. Will look up. We are going for consult tomorrow, very timely. Wish you and your hubby well.


My husband got the pump in June 2023 after his colon cancer had metastasized to his liver. He had had systemic chemo prior to that. The pump worked so well that he has now had a second liver resection, and his liver is basically clear of all disease. The pump is definitely an investment in time, but for us it was completely worth it. There is a youtube video by Northwell Health detailing my husband’s journey, but I am
unable to post the link for some reason. Try searching for a YouTube video with this title: “HAI pump: Unique liver cancer treatment gives hope for those with inoperable tumors”

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Welcome, @ssh32082. I noticed that you wished to post a URL to a video with your post. You will be able to add URLs to your posts in a few days. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. We do this to deter spammers and keep the community safe.

Please allow me to post your husband's and YOUR journy for you:

Sarah, I literally got a ball in my throat when the doctor gave you the news that treatment had worked. That must've been so emotional for you. How did you keep it together? 🙂 Thank you for sharing your family's story.

Your husband looks like the picture of health in the video as he recounts his journey. He's glowing. Can you share a bit more what it was like when he was going through both the systemic chemo and then the HAI pump which injects high-dose chemo into the liver? What were the side effects? What were his caregiver needs during that time?


My husband got the pump in June 2023 after his colon cancer had metastasized to his liver. He had had systemic chemo prior to that. The pump worked so well that he has now had a second liver resection, and his liver is basically clear of all disease. The pump is definitely an investment in time, but for us it was completely worth it. There is a youtube video by Northwell Health detailing my husband’s journey, but I am
unable to post the link for some reason. Try searching for a YouTube video with this title: “HAI pump: Unique liver cancer treatment gives hope for those with inoperable tumors”


What does MSK stand for in NYC? Is that further than Sloan to upstate NY? I’m trying to figure out as I have family upstate as well if needed. I’m from burb outside of Chicago


Thanks Colleen for you help. We won't know about the trial until mid-April, we have to show no disease progression on the new chemo we started (oxiplatin+5FU).
He has colon (MSS/wild type) metastatic to the liver, several tumors. Last time I asked our normal oncologist about operability she said they are doctors, not miracle workers. I have a little more faith than her, I know there are miracle workers out there. If we can't be taken in Canada, US is our next stop, but seems that the insurance/cost will be challenging, even though he's a US citizen and only moved to Canada in 2021 to be with me. Thanks for you help, remaining hopeful and hopefully Susan159 is doing well.

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I will await your news about his eligibility for the clinical trial. If Mayo Clinic is an option, here is how to submit a request for a second opinion http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63. The request for an appointment/second opinion does not require a physician referral. Your husband can self-refer or you can submit on his behalf.


I'm tagging @susan159 to make sure she sees your question about follow up to her experience.

@sugar42042, was your husband accepted into the trial? Does he have primary liver cancer or metastasis to the liver?

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Thanks Colleen for you help. We won't know about the trial until mid-April, we have to show no disease progression on the new chemo we started (oxiplatin+5FU).
He has colon (MSS/wild type) metastatic to the liver, several tumors. Last time I asked our normal oncologist about operability she said they are doctors, not miracle workers. I have a little more faith than her, I know there are miracle workers out there. If we can't be taken in Canada, US is our next stop, but seems that the insurance/cost will be challenging, even though he's a US citizen and only moved to Canada in 2021 to be with me. Thanks for you help, remaining hopeful and hopefully Susan159 is doing well.


I just wanted to check to see how this turned out. I'm trying to get my hubby into a heptic infusion program (it's a trial in Canada). Seems like you may have some customer expertise to share

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I'm tagging @susan159 to make sure she sees your question about follow up to her experience.

@sugar42042, was your husband accepted into the trial? Does he have primary liver cancer or metastasis to the liver?


I just wanted to check to see how this turned out. I'm trying to get my hubby into a heptic infusion program (it's a trial in Canada). Seems like you may have some customer expertise to share



I will be getting mine at Duke in Durham this august. Then they can do the bi-weekly top offs at their oncology centers anywhere in the Duke oncology network (for me it will be Cary).

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Hi! Did you end up getting the HAI pump and if so was your gall bladder removed? Also, how was your recovery and how are you doing now?

Huge hugs and thanks!

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