Anyone else on Finasteride?

Posted by itterac @itterac, Aug 10, 2023

Had rp. Then bcr then 36 rt. Now second bcr. Psma pet negative. Psa ., .24 .36 .41. Dr put me on finestride. Anyone on this. Suggestion s

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In order for the group to help ou, may need more details and timeline....When was your surgery, pathology report, when were the PSA tests which can indicate PSADT, when was your BCR and SRT, what was your PSA when you had your PSMA PET..

What you describe is mono therapy, not mainstream clinical practice, do some reading on doublet or triplet therapy -

Read the NCCN guidelines, may give you some points to discuss with your medical team.

I've attached my clinical history, when surgery and SRT failed, I did triplet therapy, worked for 4-1/2 years, doing doublet therapy now. will be interesting to see length of remission once I stop the Orgovyx either at six or 12 months.


Shared files

NCCN PCa Guidelines (NCCN-PCa-Guidelines-1.pdf)


@itterac, Finasteride is typically used to treat the symptoms of enlarged prostate (benign prostate hyperplasia). It comes with this warning for men with prostate cancer:
"Prostate cancer warning: This drug belongs to a class of drugs that could increase your risk of a faster growing or irregular form of prostate cancer. Finasteride can cause a decrease in your prostate specific antigen (PSA) level. An increased level of this antigen has been associated with prostate cancer. If your PSA levels increase while on this medication, it may be a sign of prostate cancer."

I also want to confirm the accronyms in your message:
rp = radical prostectomy
bcr = biochemical recurrence

Did your oncologist explain why they wish to have you start finasteride?


Acronyms accurate. Prescribed by my urologist. Much milder side effects than lupron et al . we r hoping it will lower my .41 psa after rp, salvage and 2 bcr s.

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