Groin and hip pain after wearing boot on other side
I had left ankle tendon repair surgery in January. I could not put any weight on the left side for 2 weeks then in a boot for 6 weeks. I started with the opposite groin and hip pain right after probably due to overcompensating on that side. I had to hop up a few steps and hop to sit on toilet. But I now have groin pain in right side (opposite from boot and surgery) and I feel a sudden catch when getting up from sitting? At first everyone including my GP said give it a chance once you are out of the boot. I have been out of the boot for a week and its worse. I am so sick of another soft tissue situation!! And I have fear and now obsessing over worrying about it. Its an ache and the sudden pain when moving after sitting. I have been trying to walk more and I am still doing PT for the left tendon strengthening . I told PT the cycle hurts my groin so I am not doing that! Any suggestions?? Help. I am not sure if stretching will harm it more?
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I’m a big believer in PT and go as often as I need to as my body breaks down due to spinal OA. Physical therapist have a ton of tricks up their sleeves on how to treat an injury or ailment. I suggest you go back to PT and explain to them what’s happening and ask them for a different approach. If you are still taking pain meds you might consider taking a dose before you have PT. Same thing with a muscle relaxer and/or an anti-inflammatory medication if you take any since you know you’ll have some pain. Good luck and I hope you get some relief. I don’t believe PT is going to suggest or do anything that is going to harm you. I’ve always found them to be absolute professionals. Did you know they have either a masters degree or an PhD!
Yes, do the PT for both your left ankle and your right hip. Be sure to warm up affected areas before PT and ice them afterward. If you cannot use the bicycle to warm up, you need to find an alternative. If you have access to a swimming pool, you might ask your PT to design a program you can do in the water, where you can go through range-of-motion exercises without weight bearing. Consider it a plus if your swimming pool also has a hot tub where you can sit for a short time to warm up before using the therapy pool. But don’t use the hot tub after the pool; use ice then to prevent swelling.
Thank you , I had a hip xray today and it is not arthritis. Most likely bursitis or tendonitis. Worst case labrum tear. If it keeps up Dr. said an MRI
Hi there Shell,
No doubt the boot changed your gait and affected your hip. It should have gone away now that the boot is gone.
This might be a long shot - but if you have an arthritic hip, the pain manifests as groin pain. I had this happen and it surprised me, but the ball and socket for the hip lie directly under the groin. Anyway the boot and changed gait may have inflamed the hip.
I'd get an MRI and meet with a hip surgeon. Again, a bit of a long shot but maybe worth checking out. Hopefully it is bursitis or tendonitis brought on by then change in your gait. That should resolve soon.
All the best!
Thanks, Joe, I actually had an x-ray yesterday and there’s no arthritis. Everything looks good in the socket so it has to be tendinitis bursitis or worst case labrum tear. I have to decide to get an MRI next. I was hoping it would calm down.
I now had an MRI friday and it shows a labrum tear? Do I need surgery?