Genicular Block on aseptic loose painful revision

Posted by raface @raface, May 2, 2023

So I had a revision seven months ago, and it came loose. Quite painful.
At any rate, the surgeon suggested before we schedule a second revision for me to get a genicular block
Had it yesterday, and their relief was quite amazing. It still hurts, obviously. But that sharp, stabbing electric pain is gone.
The question is, can I genicular my way around life, and ignore the upcoming revision on a loose implant?

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Hello @raface, Welcome to Connect. Several years ago I was in a similar situation but a bad arthritic and damaged knee before a replacement only I was asking could I keep getting steroid shots to relieve the pain. The answer for me was no and I'm guessing it might be the same for you due to your revision coming loose. I'm not a doctor but I don't think the loose revision will get better and still be a source for pain. Here is some information on Genicular nerve blocks in case you haven't already done any research.

"GNAs typically provide pain relief for about 18 months. What are the risks or possible complications of a genicular nerve block? "
--- Genicular Nerve Block: What It Is, Procedure & Side Effects:

Have you discussed your question with your surgeon?


This is so interesting to me, although I'm dealing with an aseptic loose hip replacement, not a knee. If I could get relief even for 18 months, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'm 73 and nervous about a revision on my hip. Good luck with your knee. I suspect it's much easier to have a revision on a knee than on a hip.

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