Dealing with symptoms after Gallbladder surgery

Posted by roisemaire @roisemaire, Nov 30, 2017

Hi is there anyone out there that suffers from nausea and pain almost 4 weeks after gallbladder operation. Every time I eat anything i get pain in site of operation. And tired all the time no energy

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Hi @eileenb1022, lots and lots of people dealing with issues after their cholecystectomy. I moved your post so you could connect with those members.

Is the smartpill that you are referring to the pill cam procedure that they do?

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Hello to the two of you and thank you for your comments. Yes I had the smartpill. It was normal which is good. I got my endoscopy moved up from June 8 to June 2 so I'm glad about that. I sleep with 3 pillows but I sleep with 3 pillows to prop me up more. I always wake early. I don't know what makes me get up early. Maybe nerves or anxiety. I see a new med nurse tomorrow so hopefully she can help regards better meds for my anxiety


Hi. My gallbladder was removed via scope. After surgery I woke up and knew something was not right. I was sent home the same day. Concerns ignored. 3 days later I'm admitted because apparently my lung was punctured during gallbladder removal. Fast forward 3 years I still have the hard bump below my naval. Is this normal? Also, recently I have noticed and can feel a similar bump above and slightly to the left of my naval. Would this typically be from the gallbladder surgery? Thanks.
PS I'm female, 53 (50 at time of surgery) overall healthy condition.


Hi. My gallbladder was removed via scope. After surgery I woke up and knew something was not right. I was sent home the same day. Concerns ignored. 3 days later I'm admitted because apparently my lung was punctured during gallbladder removal. Fast forward 3 years I still have the hard bump below my naval. Is this normal? Also, recently I have noticed and can feel a similar bump above and slightly to the left of my naval. Would this typically be from the gallbladder surgery? Thanks.
PS I'm female, 53 (50 at time of surgery) overall healthy condition.

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@debrarae, welcome. To help you connect with others like @eileenb1022 @fourof5zs @eddiebu @jfperrone and others, I moved your message to this existing discussion:

- Dealing with symptoms after Gallbladder surgery

I think you might find previous posts helpful.

Debra, I'm so glad that you persisted after surgery to find out what was wrong and were able to get help for the punctured lung. Have you brought the hard bump below and to left of your naval to the attention of your surgeon? Might it be a hernia?



Thanks for your reply. If the smaller, frequent meals are helping you to feel better that is probably a good indication of what you need to do for now. According to the Mayo website, if there is also diarrhea then you should avoid fatty foods, caffeine, etc. however, you have not mentioned that symptom.

Do you have a follow up appointment with the surgeon soon? If not, you should probably call the office and make sure that you are on the right track for now.

Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing, we look forward to hearing from you.


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I am curious I had gall bladder removal almost three months ago am 70 had laparoscopic surgery it had ruptured was gangrenous. I am still losing weight. What do I eat to keep weight up when you are to watch sugar and fat intake.
Any ideas would help


I am curious I had gall bladder removal almost three months ago am 70 had laparoscopic surgery it had ruptured was gangrenous. I am still losing weight. What do I eat to keep weight up when you are to watch sugar and fat intake.
Any ideas would help

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Hello @mopeede and welcome to Mayo Connect. You ask a good question about food when you need to watch sugar and fat intake but also need to keep up your weight. While we wait for other members to respond to your question, I'm wondering how frequently you eat. Small, frequent meals tend to work better after any digestive tract surgery. Do you try to eat three large meals a day or smaller frequent meals?

Also, a registered dietician is a good resource to help with meal planning after surgery and problems with weight loss. You might ask your doctor for a referral to a registered dietician. They can be quite helpful in developing food plans.

Have you found any foods that are a particular problem to you?


Hello @mopeede and welcome to Mayo Connect. You ask a good question about food when you need to watch sugar and fat intake but also need to keep up your weight. While we wait for other members to respond to your question, I'm wondering how frequently you eat. Small, frequent meals tend to work better after any digestive tract surgery. Do you try to eat three large meals a day or smaller frequent meals?

Also, a registered dietician is a good resource to help with meal planning after surgery and problems with weight loss. You might ask your doctor for a referral to a registered dietician. They can be quite helpful in developing food plans.

Have you found any foods that are a particular problem to you?

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I think coffee is causing worse bile reflux as burning in chest and throat and a bit of cough once in awhile. I try to eat small meal helpings and something in between but not sure what to eat


I think coffee is causing worse bile reflux as burning in chest and throat and a bit of cough once in awhile. I try to eat small meal helpings and something in between but not sure what to eat

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I am cutting out coffee:( what do I replace my morning coffee with. Earlier said I eat smaller meals 3 but am not sure what to eat in between that doesn’t have fat or sugar 🙁 would appreciate suggestions


I am cutting out coffee:( what do I replace my morning coffee with. Earlier said I eat smaller meals 3 but am not sure what to eat in between that doesn’t have fat or sugar 🙁 would appreciate suggestions

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Hi @mopeede,

It looks like you are finding some of the trigger foods that cause you problems. That is a good thing. On Mayo Clinic's website, I found an article regarding ideas for diet after gallbladder surgery. Here is the link,
--Can You Recommend a Diet After Gallbladder Surgery?

On Connect there is another discussion group on the problems post-gallbladder surgery. If you read through some of these posts, you may find some helpful ideas.

– Dealing with symptoms after Gallbladder surgery

If you still find yourself losing weight and having problems, you might consider asking your doctor for a referral to a registered dietician. I have found dieticians to be most helpful with these types of food problems.

Have you talked with your doctor about the dilemma you are having with your eating and weight loss?


Bertbiz read your comments have a question. I too feel small meals are better tolerated. Just wonder what do you eat inbetween meals when you are hungry. With low fat and sugar limits a person. Thank you


Bertbiz read your comments have a question. I too feel small meals are better tolerated. Just wonder what do you eat inbetween meals when you are hungry. With low fat and sugar limits a person. Thank you

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I am looking for recipes that would be appropriate for holiday snacks and desserts for someone who had a gallbladder removed a few months ago. I know that high fat and very sweet foods are generally not well tolerated. Are artificial sweeteners like Splenda and stevia OK?

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