Dealing with symptoms after Gallbladder surgery

Posted by roisemaire @roisemaire, Nov 30, 2017

Hi is there anyone out there that suffers from nausea and pain almost 4 weeks after gallbladder operation. Every time I eat anything i get pain in site of operation. And tired all the time no energy

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I had same thing after having my gallbladder removed in May. I have lost over 50 pounds. After having GI doctor run a bunch of tests I was diagnosed with gastroparesis and I am not diabetic. I do now take a medication to help with the acid buildup and trying to watch what I eat but know it is not fun.


Oh my goodness, that is a lot of weight to loose. I a so sorry to hear this. I too have lost weight, and have horrible reflux. Do the say what the treatment can be or what the problem is?


I am sorry you have these problems, it is similar to what I am going through at 4 weeks. Have you tried meta mucil, it seems to help me a bit but not sure if that would just clog everything up for you. I had my GB out four weeks ago, and have been miserable every sense. I am going to a GI doctor next week. The surgeon says he has never seen the complications am having, but after perusing the web horrible symptoms post cholecystectomy surely exist and I was not given adequate information about the potential complications. Sending hugs and healing thoughts to you. If you come up with any tips, let us know.


My daughter had her gall bladder removed 4 weeks ago due to excessive nausea and vomiting. She felt better right after, but now is getting sick to her stomach, and can not keep anything down. Her doctor told her to go to the ER, and they gave her zofran. They sent her home. She is still getting sick, and her doctor is not calling her back. Any help would be appreciated.


So sorry to hear. I had mine out 5 weeks ago, and have problems eating and Epigastric pain since awakening . Lost over 15 pounds and I am not heavy. I am forcing myself to eat bland foods in small amounts. Applesauce seems to be soothing. Going on for an upper GI today that I scheduled.
Camomile tea also seems to help.
If I can think of anything else I will let you know.


Hello virtual buddies. I am still trying to figure out how to get back some normalcy. Getting tired of feeling uncomfortable and unable to function. Anyone get a heavy painful lump of food feeling after a meal? If so, what has helped you?
Anyone get indigestion after a meal? What do you do?
How to introduce fiber and raw vegetables? Any ideas?
Constipation? What helps.


My daughter had her gall bladder removed 4 weeks ago due to excessive nausea and vomiting. She felt better right after, but now is getting sick to her stomach, and can not keep anything down. Her doctor told her to go to the ER, and they gave her zofran. They sent her home. She is still getting sick, and her doctor is not calling her back. Any help would be appreciated.

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I have been thinking about your daughter’s situation. I am not a Dr but seems like they should do at least a CT of her abdomen and pelvis to make sure no issues.
Try to get in to see her primary care physician or a gastroenterologist. Wishing her the best.


Hi - I had gallbladder removal June, 2019. Went well; no pain; am still adjusting to changing bowel habits, and excessive "gas".
But I, too, have gained almost 10 lbs. I eat "sort of" healthy and do lots of exercise 4X week (including racquet sport, gym machines). But my weight has been trending up for 2 or 3 years (HOW AWFUL!). Am thinking of trying Jennie Craig diet and also taking ZENACAL - anyone have experience? GALL BLADDER SURGEON TOLD ME NOT TO HAVE A COLONOSCOPY EVER! GREAT, BUT WHY? ?? I do notice, however, I have some shortness of breath when going for a walk and going upstairs is kind of difficult!! Stairs have NEVER been a problem for me. My legs feel "weak" but do not hurt (occasional leg cramps). I am 70+
I have circulation issue in my legs - Dr. says nothing can be done !?! I think it is PVD and atherosclerosis (my mother had this - but she did not exersize like I do at all; had a thin body, but smoked. My Feet are Ugly purple/blue bruising that disappears when legs are up or I wear stockings. One leg is still a bit numb (I had TKR 15 months ago).

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I am aware of this old post - 3 years ago. If you can still read this post if it goes to you.. Why did your Gallbladder surgeon told you not to have a colonoscopy ever?? What are the reason? I like to know. I will have colonoscopy on April 11th 2023. I want to decide whether to continue or not.
Thank you,


Hi there,
I had my gall bladder removed on March 28th. On March 31st, I was taken to hospital with severe crippling right sided rib pain. They did a CT scan, ruled out any injury to bile duct and any infection (have never been feverish) since the 31st I have been dealing with this rib pain. It is most severe shortly after I wake up to the point of not being able to move, hurts to breath and I feel nauseated. Hydromorphone barely takes the edge off and Robaxin barely takes the edge off. Incusions are healing as they should, I have very minimal pain at incision sites.I have exhausted my Google searches and just want to know if this is normal? Has anyone experienced something similar? How long can I expect this pain to last? Anything else I can try to minimize pain? Thanks!


Hi there,
I had my gall bladder removed on March 28th. On March 31st, I was taken to hospital with severe crippling right sided rib pain. They did a CT scan, ruled out any injury to bile duct and any infection (have never been feverish) since the 31st I have been dealing with this rib pain. It is most severe shortly after I wake up to the point of not being able to move, hurts to breath and I feel nauseated. Hydromorphone barely takes the edge off and Robaxin barely takes the edge off. Incusions are healing as they should, I have very minimal pain at incision sites.I have exhausted my Google searches and just want to know if this is normal? Has anyone experienced something similar? How long can I expect this pain to last? Anything else I can try to minimize pain? Thanks!

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Hi @tasha00, this must be disconcerting. To help you connect with others who have had a cholecystectomy, I moved your question to this discussion
- Dealing with symptoms after Gallbladder surgery:

Your surgery was very recent and it is a major surgery. Even from laparoscopic cholecystectomy, recovery can take several weeks. Was your surgery laparoscopically done? May I ask what led to your needing surgery?

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