Fusion and cage c5,6,7

Posted by leannestork @leannestork, Jun 18, 2023

Hi there everyone. I am 18 months on from my surgery. Had a scan showing slight movement of one of the screw but surgeon said nothing more can be done. Car travel makes it worse. But my main problem is this constant heaviness pain in the base of my scull at the top of my neck if that makes sense. Has anyone found a way to stop this. The only thing so far helping is Osteo stretching my neck but with a six month old grandaughter lifting her or a bag of shopping wrecks it in two seconds. I find having to keep my neck brace for long hours computer working or travel. I am so grateful to have found this group and just incase I accidently lose it here is my email incase someone can help or vide versus. Take care everyone
Cheers Leanne

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@leannestork Welcome to Connect. I am a cervical spine surgery patient and also have thoracic outlet syndrome. I have done a lot of physical therapy and myofascial release working thorough these issues and I've learned that due to weakness and adapting, I developed some bad habits. I cheat and recruit neck muscles when lifting something heavy. Perhaps you do that too. My PT tells me to lower and squeeze my shoulder blades together to set them, and hold them there while I lift to prevent using my neck. I screw up my neck too if I forget this advice.

Here is our discussion on MFR if you want to learn more.
- Neuropathy - "Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain"


@leannestork Welcome to Connect. I am a cervical spine surgery patient and also have thoracic outlet syndrome. I have done a lot of physical therapy and myofascial release working thorough these issues and I've learned that due to weakness and adapting, I developed some bad habits. I cheat and recruit neck muscles when lifting something heavy. Perhaps you do that too. My PT tells me to lower and squeeze my shoulder blades together to set them, and hold them there while I lift to prevent using my neck. I screw up my neck too if I forget this advice.

Here is our discussion on MFR if you want to learn more.
- Neuropathy - "Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain"

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Oh my goodness thankyou ever so much for the link and taking the time to reply i will look into it. I will also be using your trick for you neck as well when i am going to pick up my little 7 month old grandaughter or a bag of shopping because that is all it takes. Do you get this dull ache but it seems deep too up in the top of your neck at the base of your skull. If find this is the most debilitating because it feels like a migrain is coming on and you just can't get rid of it without my osteo giving it a good stretch from side to side. My feedback is don't ever get traction even the slightest stretch outwards ruins my neck in a massage

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