Foot damage after Right Knee replacement surgery

Posted by jcdoecke @jcdoecke, Nov 13, 2023

Four years ago my right knee was replaced. As soon as I tried to stand I felt as if my foot was tied up with wire around the toes and duck tape around the foot. The surgeon said it would eventually heal as the knee healed. It's only gotten worse and I can barely walk without two canes. I have no idea what to do or who to see. It has ruined my life.

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Hello @jcdoecke. What frustrating symptoms to be dealing with after a surgery to fix one issue.

I am inviting @auntiephil, @tkr1, @dedhed, and @fourj posted about issues with their feet after a TKR in the "Foot neuropathy after total knee replacement" discussion (

@jcdoecke, many of these members were diagnosed or already had neuropathy issues, but has this potential of some issues with neuropathy been discussed with you? Is your foot painful, or is the sensation more of a tightness and numb feeling? It has been four years since your replacement, has your surgeon explored any potential diagnoses?

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