FOLFIRI plus Avastin: How many rounds did you have? Successful?

Posted by k8kent @k8kent, Jan 25 8:18am

For anyone who is on Folfiri and Avastin…… how many rounds have you had and how successful was the treatment?

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I just finished 8 rounds, 5 with Avastin. It worked well in shrinking the tumor. I just did surgery last week


@k8kent I was diagnosed with stage 4 appendix cancer in 2021. I did 6 months of fortnightly treatments in the chair then the 46 hour take home bottle as my first line. I chose Folfiri over Folfox which would have been my second line if needed. I didn’t want oxaliplatin if I could avoid it. Folfiri and Avastin worked have wonderfully for me. Thwy helped me qualify for HIPEC in May 2022 which I had with cytoreductive surgery and a peritonectomy. I’ve been NED since. Wishing you the very best.


Hi @k8kent, I hope you saw the helpful posts from @isadora2021 and @angelgirl2272. Kent, have you started FOLFIRI plus bevacizumab (Avastin)? How many rounds? How are you doing?


Hi kent! I haven’t started the Avastin part yet. I have Metastatic colon cancer (right side). Had Folfox first September of 2023 to Feb 2024 12 rounds, could only handle 2 with oxaliplatin due to allergic reaction. Ended that in February. Found it came back in my pelvic girl area (extremely rare) in November of 2024. CT scans weren’t done that low so we did notice it til I started bleeding and I had a hysterectomy so I knew that was not good. I have had 3 rounds of folfiri so far, 4 rounds of radiation with today being my last. I will start avastin when my nose bleeds are under control. You can’t be bleeding on that stuff for some reason. They won’t give me an end date. Some stage 4s are 12 rounds and done with monitoring, others will be on it for life depending on how aggressive it is. Mine is very aggressive. Left side colon cancer is less aggressive for some reason but its not a guarantee. Did they do testing on your cancer sample to see if you had any markers for other cancers? My Dr hoped to find some in me because she had success with using alternative cancer meds from other cancer markers in place of folfiri with great success. But I had none. Have you started already?


I just finished 8 rounds, 5 with Avastin. It worked well in shrinking the tumor. I just did surgery last week

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@angelgirl2272, how is recovery from surgery going?

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