Fodzyme by clinicians

Posted by sassysaveur @sassysaveur, 2 days ago

Has anyone had their gastroenterologist prescribe or recommend Fodzyyme? I’m wondering whether physicians are embracing this product? Nutritionists? Has enough good research been done?
Thank you.

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I didn't want to do the antibiotics so did fodzyme with atrantil and megaspore biotics. It lowered the methane score from 71 to 54. Now I'm taking the xifaxin with the other three. SIBO comes back so easily so I'll probably stay on fodzyme forever. Keep in mind it can't do anything to polyols so beware of those foods although I'm eating them while on the antibiotics to encourage the little devils to come out and play.


My GI doc knows I am taking it and I asked my Integrative Medicine doc about it, sending her some info. She said the research is there and it seems credible, but the cost may be prohibitive. I use it constantly, knowing it’s not a cure all, but helpful.

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