Fixed Hip Joint Popped in two places, groin pain is very bad

Posted by freepims @freepims, Sep 11, 2023

I had surgery three weeks ago for a hip that I popped in two places when I fell hard. I left the hospital yesterday and during my recovery at the hospital I feel like I pulled a groin muscle and I am home on my second day and can't bear any weight on my broken hip side and the groin pain is hardly bearable. What can I do for relief, pain pills don't touch it, and again the pain is the max

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@freepims Gary - I'm sorry you are going through this.

I think the first thing you need to do this morning is to call the surgeon and explain what you are experiencing. I think maybe they released you without being sure oral meds could control your pain.

When you say your hip "popped in two places" was it fractured? Was the surgery a repair of the femur, or a partial or total hip replacement? How well was your pain controlled while you were in the hospital?

In the meantime, ice - full time if necessary and positioning the leg in the least painful position and bracing it with pillows might get you through until you can be seen.



Gary, contact your surgeon. You might ask ( I would insist) on imaging. Reimaging is harmless and could reveal that your pain is part of normal recovery or that, as your pain level suggests, that something is amiss. Bravery and stoicicm are inappropriate in this situation. I would also ask for an interlude of Forteo. It helps secure the hardware and hastens healing in both bone and cartilage. Have the office ask the md for the imaging requisition, so you don't wait for an appointment.,metal%2Don%2Dmetal%20resurfacing.


I understood them to say it was popped, not sure if one place or two. I told the doctors and staff, several days before my release, I should have been more forceful in my complaint. Furthermore, I have an appointment with a surgeon before long. I don't know what I'll do till then. Thanks, I'll get the ice and pillows.


I understood them to say it was popped, not sure if one place or two. I told the doctors and staff, several days before my release, I should have been more forceful in my complaint. Furthermore, I have an appointment with a surgeon before long. I don't know what I'll do till then. Thanks, I'll get the ice and pillows.

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Call the surgeon today - don't wait!

Severe pain not only makes you miserable, it floods your body with stress chemicals and tightens up all your muscles - that impedes healing. Now is not the time to be Superman. 🐱‍🏍



Your situation is a bit different groin and leg pain happened to me after a bowel surgery. I'm certain I have hip impingement Im guessing how the strapped me down. 3 years later just now scheduled for MRI. Groin pain is horrific pain. Most tender spot. My prayers are with you.


Your situation is a bit different groin and leg pain happened to me after a bowel surgery. I'm certain I have hip impingement Im guessing how the strapped me down. 3 years later just now scheduled for MRI. Groin pain is horrific pain. Most tender spot. My prayers are with you.

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Thanks my friend!

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