Finger pain

Posted by dbamos1945 @dbamos1945, Sep 12, 2023

Red, swollen finger pads are extremely painful. Can anyone offer help?

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@dbamos1945, The swollen finger pads might be a sign of infection according to what I've read and might need medical treatment.

"In general, infections are a common cause of swelling. An infection in your fingertip is also called a felon. This type of infection affects the pulp, or pad, of your fingertip and causes the small compartments that make up the pulp under your skin to fill with pus. Felons are usually very painful and throbbing."
--- Swollen Fingertip: Causes, Treatment, When to Seek Help

How long have you had the swelling? Have you seen a doctor?

In reply to @SusanEllen66 "Are they hot?" + (show)

Are they hot?

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SusanEllen66: yes, the pads of fingers on left hand are hot, throb with stabbing pain occasionally. Any ideas I can try?
I saw doc last Friday- he is concerned and ordered unusual blood labs which had to be sent out of state (10 day results).


@dbamos1945, The swollen finger pads might be a sign of infection according to what I've read and might need medical treatment.

"In general, infections are a common cause of swelling. An infection in your fingertip is also called a felon. This type of infection affects the pulp, or pad, of your fingertip and causes the small compartments that make up the pulp under your skin to fill with pus. Felons are usually very painful and throbbing."
--- Swollen Fingertip: Causes, Treatment, When to Seek Help

How long have you had the swelling? Have you seen a doctor?

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John bishop: Thank you for your reply and helpfulness.
Left hand only:
Awoke 9/6 about 3am first digit of little finger throbbing, red, swollen and very painful. I put alcohol on it and looked it over for perhaps bug bite or injury… nothing.
As the day went along other finger pads got sore, red, swollen with the thumb being the last. I kept it elevated and tried several topical products as well as warm/cool compresses. No relief. I spoke to doc 9/8 and saw him 9/11/23. His concern led to ordering many unusual blood tests. Lab will have results in 10 days.
Since then 2-3 finger pads have returned to normal but index, thumb and occasional middle finger pads are very painful, swollen and very sensitive.
In reading your article one thing stood out: my psoriasis is now under control with medication (Otezla). They mentioned Psoriatic Arthritis - so that may be it. However I have no discomfort in joints… just the finger pads. If you have any further suggestions I will be most grateful.


John bishop: Thank you for your reply and helpfulness.
Left hand only:
Awoke 9/6 about 3am first digit of little finger throbbing, red, swollen and very painful. I put alcohol on it and looked it over for perhaps bug bite or injury… nothing.
As the day went along other finger pads got sore, red, swollen with the thumb being the last. I kept it elevated and tried several topical products as well as warm/cool compresses. No relief. I spoke to doc 9/8 and saw him 9/11/23. His concern led to ordering many unusual blood tests. Lab will have results in 10 days.
Since then 2-3 finger pads have returned to normal but index, thumb and occasional middle finger pads are very painful, swollen and very sensitive.
In reading your article one thing stood out: my psoriasis is now under control with medication (Otezla). They mentioned Psoriatic Arthritis - so that may be it. However I have no discomfort in joints… just the finger pads. If you have any further suggestions I will be most grateful.

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I'm hoping the additional blood tests your doctor ordered may provide some answers for you along with something to help the pain. I think it's a good sign that some of the finger pads have returned to normal so maybe it just takes a little more time? Are you still elevating the hand? Wondering if that may have been helping but that it just takes more time.


John bishop: thanks for your concern. I keep it elevated as much as possible… even while I sleep. The pain is less often today so I hope it will heal within and cease. Thanks again!


SusanEllen66: yes, the pads of fingers on left hand are hot, throb with stabbing pain occasionally. Any ideas I can try?
I saw doc last Friday- he is concerned and ordered unusual blood labs which had to be sent out of state (10 day results).

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I posted a while back for now I have been using K-2 tape on my hands. I tape from inside my thumb across the palm pad and back around. I then run a piece from the tip of my pinky to the even side of my palm I then follow that up with a pair of copper fit gloves over top. As I said for now it is working for me in a month who knows. Good luck and God Bless


SusanEllen66 et al:
The pads of my fingers are no longer red, inflammed, nor painful… now the feelings in my thumb pad and index finger are still very sensitive but no longer stabbing pains. I saw doc yesterday and most alarming blood tests (i e Lupus) results were negative… whew!
White cells elevated as well as several other blood labs that indicate inflammation/infection. Doc says to keep left hand from repetitive motions and hope in 2-3 weeks all symptoms are resolved. 🙂
Thank you all for your help and concern in my pain!

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