Fight Fatigue. Mow the lawn

Posted by stevecando54 @stevecando54, May 3 4:06pm

The paper work I received last year when starting chemo said mow the lawn to fight fatigue. Yeah right, but I did mow each week and although is takes a lot out of me it makes my mindset feel so good. With the meds we all take its hard to get going but the after effects are so rewarding. It's a really good feeling to know I pushed through it and got it done. I guess my point is we need to push on, get out of the chair and move even when we don't feel up to it. Best to all.

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Good for you!!! Keep it up!

Best wishes to you on your journey with PCa.


Speaking for myself the hardest part of any exercise is getting my ass off of the couch.


Speaking for myself the hardest part of any exercise is getting my ass off of the couch.

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That goes for everyone, PCa or not.


"Exercise is medicine."

"Use it or lose it."

You can always improve from where you are.


Mind over matter?

For me, it's easy once I get to the gym. The problem is getting to the gym. Specifically, it comes down to one intersection as I'm leaving work: turn right and go to the gym, or turn left and go straight home. If I turn the steering wheel (or E-bike handlebars) to the right, that pretty much guarantees a 30-minute workout will take place. When I'm in the gym I can't let all those youngsters see me as a weak old man, so I end up lifting more weights than I would have if I were alone.

Also, I stock my gym locker with yummy chocolate protein bars as a reward for showing up.

Whatever works for you, do it.

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