Fibro acts up whenever I lay down to rest, When I first wake up A.M.

Posted by healthybon @healthybon, Jul 4, 2023

My muscles get in excruciating pain lately if I lay down to take a nap…..or…when I awake in the morning. I have had it for 40 years and the pain level of my muscles is now a ten. I have been under enormous stress this past year. Diagnosed with a lung disease, MAC Lung and Bronchiestasis, my cat died, I had Covid, then pneumonia, developed burning mouth syndrome, developed an anxiety syndrome and had to go in a psyche hospital for a week for help. They put me on Lexapro. Now I am on a two week stay in Denver (very high altitude) at the National Jewish Hospital to get help for the lung disease. The high altitude is hard on me.
Does anyone experience absolutely excruciating pain and tight muscles….and I forgot, when that happens, costochondritis acts up when my muscles start up.
Would appreciate anyone who can relate to share info with me. Thks.

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I am on the Western Slope and sending you positive vibes. I do get tense musckes with the fibro and I do gentle stretching a few tines per day, that helps. As well as pain medicine I take only in the morning because like you, mornings are worse . I akso take a small dose of Ambien at night to sleep (5mg). Without it, I am an insomniac and if I need to take the Tramadol in the afternoon, that messes with my sleep as well.
You have so much on your plate. Know that it will eventually ease and everything will be alright. *hugs to you ❤


I am so sorry your kitty passed, they are so important to us.


So sorry to hear about all the troubles and wishing you all the best. I’m not sure if your background, but do you think it might be possible you could have polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)? (It’s most common in older people and because of the way it presents and in the age group, it’s often a missed diagnosis or mistaken for fibromyalgia.)

It’s an autoimmune inflammatory arthritis that causes severe muscle pain and fatigue in the large muscle groups, it can cause early morning stiffness for hours and/or it worsens with rest. Sometimes a viral infection (such as COVID) is thought to be a contributing factor.

I just thought I’d bring it up because of my family’s experience, as it was overlooked in my father because it could be mistaken for “getting older” and fibromyalgia.

If you’ve had any blood tests done for inflammatory markers, people often have extremely elevated sedimentation rate (ESR) and c reactive protein (CRP), but confusingly some people can still have it without elevated inflammatory markers, but that is less common.

I know I could be totally off-base, but just thought I’d bring it up if your AM pain is much worse than it was before and in case you might fit the common profile.

Wishing you all the best.


Thank you so much for your detailed response. I’m going to be seeing my Rheumatologist on the 11th and I will bring it up to him. I really appreciate your input.


Thank you so much for your detailed response. I’m going to be seeing my Rheumatologist on the 11th and I will bring it up to him. I really appreciate your input.

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healthybon, Bless You precious lady! You are going through so much and I am so sorry. My fibro is worse in the mornings as well, but, nothing like yours. I think it is from lying down and not moving much during the night. It has gotten worse as I have gotten older and developed other issues with it. I do find that 200 mg of Magnesium daily help a little. When I had to have my precious cat put down it was so hard. Animals love you unconditionally and are like family....oh that people loved each other like animals, right? I am so sorry for your loss. Have you had a complete autoimmune profile done recently with your rheumatalogist? I agree with the person that asked about PR. Also, have you had you had a complete thyroid panel done? Primary doctors tend to not do the whole panel. I had to go to an endocrinologist and only then was the bloodwork for thyroid antibody (antiglobulin) done and I got a Hashimotos (Hypothyroidism) diagnosis. My TSH, T3 & T4 were perfect, but, I knew something was off kilter. Thyroid can cause a lot of issues and it tends to go along with Fibromyalgia. It can cause more pain and fatigue. These are just a few thoughts. God Bless you and I am praying for you. Hugs.....


So sorry to hear about all the troubles and wishing you all the best. I’m not sure if your background, but do you think it might be possible you could have polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)? (It’s most common in older people and because of the way it presents and in the age group, it’s often a missed diagnosis or mistaken for fibromyalgia.)

It’s an autoimmune inflammatory arthritis that causes severe muscle pain and fatigue in the large muscle groups, it can cause early morning stiffness for hours and/or it worsens with rest. Sometimes a viral infection (such as COVID) is thought to be a contributing factor.

I just thought I’d bring it up because of my family’s experience, as it was overlooked in my father because it could be mistaken for “getting older” and fibromyalgia.

If you’ve had any blood tests done for inflammatory markers, people often have extremely elevated sedimentation rate (ESR) and c reactive protein (CRP), but confusingly some people can still have it without elevated inflammatory markers, but that is less common.

I know I could be totally off-base, but just thought I’d bring it up if your AM pain is much worse than it was before and in case you might fit the common profile.

Wishing you all the best.

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Oh the morning pain and stiffness, good catch. As PMR was coming on, I couldn't understand why I always felt better in the afternoon and after stretching.
@healthybon Do check out the Polymyalgia Rheumatica Support Group here.


I am on the Western Slope and sending you positive vibes. I do get tense musckes with the fibro and I do gentle stretching a few tines per day, that helps. As well as pain medicine I take only in the morning because like you, mornings are worse . I akso take a small dose of Ambien at night to sleep (5mg). Without it, I am an insomniac and if I need to take the Tramadol in the afternoon, that messes with my sleep as well.
You have so much on your plate. Know that it will eventually ease and everything will be alright. *hugs to you ❤

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Is Tramadol the only med you take for fibro pain? What dose, how effective is it for pain and do you have any side effects other than affecting your sleep if taken in the afternoon? Thanks.


I was diagnosed with Fibro last year, triggered by Covid. My pain is also much worse in the morning and lasts all day, some days worse than others. Sometimes the pain eases up by 9:00PM but it's always back full force in the morning. Lately, pain has been waking me up after only 2-4 hrs in bed making it difficult to fall back asleep. Are you taking any meds for Fibro? I only have a muscle relaxer I take before bed if necessary. I'm going to a pain clinic tomorrow.


Is Tramadol the only med you take for fibro pain? What dose, how effective is it for pain and do you have any side effects other than affecting your sleep if taken in the afternoon? Thanks.

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Hi, yes, Tramadol and an occasional Tylenol. When I first began taking it (Tramadol 50mg with NO acetaminophen), 20 years ago, I realized it messed with my sleep, a side effect for me is a bit of welcome energy. I switched from two per day to just the one in the mornng. That worked well because of the heightened a.m. stiffness and pain. About four years ago, I went up to two in the morning. I now get a prescription that covers an extra one in the early afternoon if needed.
The other thing I take is 5mg Ambien right before bed.


I was diagnosed with Fibro last year, triggered by Covid. My pain is also much worse in the morning and lasts all day, some days worse than others. Sometimes the pain eases up by 9:00PM but it's always back full force in the morning. Lately, pain has been waking me up after only 2-4 hrs in bed making it difficult to fall back asleep. Are you taking any meds for Fibro? I only have a muscle relaxer I take before bed if necessary. I'm going to a pain clinic tomorrow.

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The pain waking you makes me wonder if you've been tested for PMR?

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