Fatigue post treatment and fibromyalgia
I'm going into 10 months post treatment.two surgeries and 10 radiation treatments dbl dose
I also have fibromyalgia , i'm wondering if other Out there that had radiation for breast cancer And have fibromyalgia are struggling with fatigue also.
I really have a rough time in the morning.It takes everything I have to get moving. I thought by now.I would be feeling but this fatigue is so hard.And I also have anemia since I had radiation which I am being treated for. Very frustrated. Wishing I never would have done radiation.
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Hi @sue417
Sorry you’re going through this.
Fatigue is hard and diminishing. Did you have to come off of your fibromyalgia meds? I haven’t had radiation, but many women on this site have. And maybe they can add insights.
Thanks for asking these questions. I feel like we all help educate and support each other.
I took my cyclobenzaprine 5mg during my radiation and after surgeries. I have cycled on and off it when needed. My new physician will not refill it or my lorezepam. Since being taken off of H. R. T due to the hormone positive breast cancer. I've had horrible menopause symptoms. I went to my natural path and got 5htp for fibro and sleep. Also going to speak with my Cannibus physician today to see if I can start a cbd to help with mood. It's very frustrating. Starting acupuncture too.
@sue4sue417 - I did find out from my gyn nurse yesterday that there is a formulation of 7.5 paroxetine that has been approved/indicated for hot flashes and night sweats.
That's paxil, I can't take antidepressants. We have tried a few . They don't jive with my system. 5htp is a natural ssri it's the only one my body can handle. I am going the cbd route. Have an appt today with my Dr. I am in canada. I was doing the oil 2 yrs ago it helped but I was still on het 2 yrs ago also
Hi Sue,
Yesss I had 6 of 8 rounds of chemo, partial mastectomy and 12 of 20 rounds of radiation. I have connective tissue disease and fibromyalgia. After round 12 of radiation, I became very sick (my husband said I looked grey) and extremely fatigued. I was in bed for 2 weeks after going to the ER on advice from radiation oncology PA. I had horrible burning under my arm and behind my lung, but no pulmonary embolism thankfully. It has been 1 months since I stopped radiation and every day is a struggle. The burning comes and goes. I wish I never would have agreed to do it, but I'm grateful I stopped when I did. I use no sugar added electrolyte powders, multivitamins and micro green plant powders along with A LOT of rest every day, sometimes all day. I pray you find peace and complete healing.
Hi @ygregg
I thank you and wish you the same.
I wish there was a regimen to follow that i could tell you that will work. It's just time and rest and patience. My biggest issue was accepting that I just was not going to have the energy I had prior to radiation. That led me down the rabbit hole of depression and the anxiety I believe is from my hormone issues. I have tried many supplements but finally after hits and miss.I think my Doctor and I have found the medication that is working for me.It is called trazadone it's an SARi antidepressant. It's for sleep, anxiety and depression. I wish I would have had this 6 mths ago. I am finally starting to feel more level and getting better sleep is helping my energy. It's still early days and I am on the starting dose 25mg. It gets increased after the 2nd week. I am feeling hopeful. One thing that everyone told me was just walk 10 or 15 min a day outside if you can. I had to walk in my apartment building but it was walking. Now our weather is nicer.I have been walking outside and did my first thirty minute walk yesterday. Once you are able to do a few errands really pace your day.
I am going to share this breast cancer support website. They do zoom meetings twice a week. It's great support. Breastcancer.org
When you create your log in. Go to support then go to virtual support groups. You will join the one that pertains to you. Where your at with treatment in or finished. They email you zoom links. 💗 take care
I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better and getting some sleep. I do need to start walking outdoors but it has been cold, windy and snowy. We're supposed to have a couple Spring days this week, so I will start! Thank you so much for the website information. I will join this week. I've been searching for a virtual group for some time.
Best wishes and take good care!