Facing Cancer Recurrence, PTSD & Acknowledging Mental Health

Posted by Merry, Alumni Mentor @merpreb, Dec 6, 2018

It's extremely difficult to face the fact of recurring cancers. After treatments we try and get away from it all and live our life. Then along comes another CT scan or PET scan and POW, you have to face another cancer. My reaction was developing PTSD.

You can read what I wrote in my blog: https://my20yearscancer.com/blog/
How do we cope? How do we react? What do we do?
How have you all reacted to another cancer? Or the possibility of another one? Has your "already compromised" mental health been able to deal with it? How? Or not?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Cancer: Managing Symptoms Support Group.

Hi merr and everyone else. Its been awhile since i,ve been in here. So far summer hasnt been too. Bad. I go for another ct scan at mayo. The last one there were some changes in my left lung so need to find out about that. My copd has been pretty good or as much as it can be. Now the last thing. Ever since last dec been having these tremors every so often. Had a mri which was good a eeg short one which was good. So no answers. Last week i did a 72 hour eeg so am now waiting on a report on that. It is so hard when you know something is not right and have to sit around waiting and waiting. All you want is answers so you know what you have to do and to keep on surviving. The good lord is with us all and will help us get thru what we need too. Prayers to all of you. .

Ps. And excuse my language. But humor and friends go a long way in dealing with this shit.


This issue of learning to live with a possible cancer recurrence is a very difficult one for me right now. I have read and been given much advise. Each person needs to figure out what will work best. Although I am cancer free right now I may not be in the near future. I have scans coming up in a month and I am worried about them. Worry doesn’t help I need to change my “worry” into something constructive. I find that keeping busy, hobbies, spending time with family/ friends, helps a great deal. I make “deals” with myself and give myself “worry breaks”. Like I tell myself that the coming weekend I will forget the cancer , or try to, and concentrate on doing something fun. Writing things down is helpful. I literally write down all my fears in a journal I now keep. That way I can put the cancer in it’s place and try to “control it” by writing things down. I don’t want cancer to be in “control” of my life! We don’t know what the future may bring but we have a good amount of control on the “now” moments in our lives.


I always said we had post traumatic cancer disorder

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Agree with Colleen above. It is scary, but until you've actually seen a doctor and gone through tests, I wouldn't jump to the conclusion of cancer. It isn't easy, but keep up a positive outlook of health until you know otherwise. EBV is not fun from what I hear, but like Colleen says very few people diagnosed with it develop cancer. I second her in saying go see a doctor.


Hi everyone I have chronic Epstein barre , it causing cancer. I can not move my neck and had white things in my mouth for a month, no one helps me. God forbid I can find a oncologists or beg someone to do a peta scan. I have had who
It’s patches down my esophagus for a moth

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Hi @kittykiernan, I can hear the fear and desperation in your messages. Living with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) isn't easy. Now you've got the added anxiety of suspecting cancer. It sounds like you have symptoms that need medical attention. Until you consult a doctor and get recommended tests done, I would not assume that you have cancer. I know that's easy for me to say. Keep in mind that EBV may increase your risk of cancer, but VERY FEW people who have been infected with EBV will ever develop cancer. I suggest that you make an appointment to see your doctor.


@jshdma- Now there's a thought! Maybe we could come up with a better acronym and start a whole new "thing". What are your thoughts? Any ideas?

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I always said we had post traumatic cancer disorder


Good morning @alamogal635 - Thank you for your kind words. As a Mentor it's been truly an honor to share my experience and knowledge so that I can hopefully make it easier for others. And you have not been a wall flower on here either! You have extended your self in a truly heroic measure so soon after your operation! I think that reaching out to people who truly understand your feelings is so important and healing! Thank you for all your help too! What will you be doing today? Are you in the path of the hurricane?

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Am taking it easy today. Being in San Antonio, TX am NOT in the way, mercifully, of the hurricane. Thank you for the kind words above. I like to help others if I can and if words here do, then that is great. I hope everyone here had the kindof Labor Day he/she desires today.


I’ve avoided mouth sores by rinsing my mouth out with 1/4 teaspoon baking soda and 1/8 teaspoon salt mixed with 1/2 cup warm water. Worked for me.


Build up strength and play cards, mahjong and work in my perineal garden and go to daily mass when I can.

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