Facing Cancer Recurrence, PTSD & Acknowledging Mental Health

Posted by Merry, Alumni Mentor @merpreb, Dec 6, 2018

It's extremely difficult to face the fact of recurring cancers. After treatments we try and get away from it all and live our life. Then along comes another CT scan or PET scan and POW, you have to face another cancer. My reaction was developing PTSD.

You can read what I wrote in my blog: https://my20yearscancer.com/blog/
How do we cope? How do we react? What do we do?
How have you all reacted to another cancer? Or the possibility of another one? Has your "already compromised" mental health been able to deal with it? How? Or not?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Cancer: Managing Symptoms Support Group.

Very real experience and a fabulous post. Thank you for bringing you to the conversation!


Hi @merry, Just curious if any of you presented with a solitary solid peripheral nodule and I also have three 3mm nodule bilaterally subsolid but Dr said to small to know if they represent multifocal.The Solitary nodule is 1cm and need to have surgury .Thanks,Sunny6, I'm new on here.


Yes, love and prayers to all. Right now I am doing well and its been over a year since surgery and diagnosis. I feel very blessed. My tumor is trying to grow back but we are keeping it a bay with Avastin and tramamolizide.

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You hang in there. Glad you are doing well. Keep it up


@swift You are very courageous. Sending love and prayers for all who are suffering.

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Yes, love and prayers to all. Right now I am doing well and its been over a year since surgery and diagnosis. I feel very blessed. My tumor is trying to grow back but we are keeping it a bay with Avastin and tramamolizide.


Swift, Open yourself up to all of the Support, Love and Blessings from around the World! Know all of us send you Love and Best Wishes and the same goes to your Husband also. Many of us have been through the same as you and know how hard it is.
We send you are Blessing and Prayers.

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Prayers to all...may God bless you.


Swift, Open yourself up to all of the Support, Love and Blessings from around the World! Know all of us send you Love and Best Wishes and the same goes to your Husband also. Many of us have been through the same as you and know how hard it is.
We send you are Blessing and Prayers.

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That is wonderful, thank you dear Sundance and co , iam open up to all you dear precious ones that care and share your precious thoughts and prayers i feel very blessed to have found this especially after lost of my best friend and dear precious Sister she didn't even realize how poorly she was, the doctor's were amazing , they gave us such wonderful support it was overwhelming . It's just left me feeling half of me has gone , like I've been cut in two or hit by speeding train. It's truly helped being able to support others going through this rotten disease, cancer robs us all of our precious ones ., i very much appreciate your precious words. HUGs from England.
kind regards swift :- )


Hello from chilly old England, thank you that is kind of you to wonder how we are , he was in hospital for two weeks just now , they say he will end up in a wheelchair, just hope and pray he can turn things around, he was in so much pain he was crying, it's difficult to see our precious dear ones suffering from this rotten disease, cancer robs us all of our precious dear ones, this year especially hard we lost dear sister and dear friends .... Seems like we spent the summer at hospital and another dear precious Sister very poorly almost dying. Now my brother has sepsis so lot going on. Thanks for sharing your precious concerns , hope your well know turmeric, ginger root, monga tea especially good and butternut squash curry soup helps heal and keeping positive with praying and supporting others takes our minds of our worries. HUG from England,
Kind regards swift . :- ) *'*

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Swift, Open yourself up to all of the Support, Love and Blessings from around the World! Know all of us send you Love and Best Wishes and the same goes to your Husband also. Many of us have been through the same as you and know how hard it is.
We send you are Blessing and Prayers.


@swift You are very courageous. Sending love and prayers for all who are suffering.

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Thank you for your precious words , not in my strength he sees everyone suffering and cares much more than we know. Same to you guy's , hope your precious strength keeps you smiling....
kind regards swift


Thanks dear , with faith and hope that there's always lesson learnt from the trails we come through, especially with pray faith in his precious guidance, keeps life real , knowing your part of support for your precious dear ones that suffering from ill health, that always helps me to keep doing .... Moulding me into a better person friend and mother hopefully .... Yes sharing your precious moments here helps others and also yourself , for there's more happiness in giving support and your precious time to hear others concerns , being there to give loving kindness , helps me know I've been useful. Enjoy your precious family time too appreciate your precious kind words . Keep smiling the world needs your precious smile. : - )
Kind regards swift

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@swift You are very courageous. Sending love and prayers for all who are suffering.


@swift - How are you bearing up under such continuous health bombardments? I don't know how you do this and also take care of yourself. I have turmeric tea everyday! It's from a company called RISHI in the US. Check it out. I drink the turmeric chai. It's so delicious!
I hope that your holidays are peaceful and that your son does a turn around for your present! Please stay in touch. You can help others on here as well.
Have you checked out the caregivers group? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/caregivers/

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Thanks dear , with faith and hope that there's always lesson learnt from the trails we come through, especially with pray faith in his precious guidance, keeps life real , knowing your part of support for your precious dear ones that suffering from ill health, that always helps me to keep doing .... Moulding me into a better person friend and mother hopefully .... Yes sharing your precious moments here helps others and also yourself , for there's more happiness in giving support and your precious time to hear others concerns , being there to give loving kindness , helps me know I've been useful. Enjoy your precious family time too appreciate your precious kind words . Keep smiling the world needs your precious smile. : - )
Kind regards swift

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