Experiencing severe long haul COVID joint, muscle pain fibromyalgia

Posted by shimjim24 @shimjim24, 2 days ago

I am only in week 5 following my initial COVID positive test but feel I am in long haul COVID. Having incredibly painful, stiff joints (shoulders, elbows, fingers, hands, knees, neck etc.) How is anyone dealing with this? Thank you. - James

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God Bless You. I empathize with you & I understand. I had COVID 2 times. August 2022 & October 2023. I was diagnosed with Long COVID last July. I already had Fibromyalgia & Bilateral Osteoarthritis. It worsened it.

I have not been myself since the first round of COVID and then I have gotten worse since the 2nd round last year. Some days are better than others. I am taking so many vitamins for long COVID. It definitely affected my joints, more stiffness, energy level, lungs (chronic asthma and now I am more prone to bronchitis & pneumonia). I have finally gotten my Acid Reflux (GERDS) to calm down.

Is there a COVID Recovery Clinic near you? It takes a while to get an appointment and you have to have a referral from a doctor, but, they will give you a diagnosis of Long COVID and you they go from there.

I am praying fervently for you. The Lord is giving me the strength the get through this. I pray they will have something for us long haulers soon that will help. America was not prepared for COVID.


I can empathize completely with the comments. I contracted COVID in the first week of April 2020, when even my PA laughed and said that I didn't have COVID and prescribed something for my symptoms. It took a year, negative tests to finally have a blood test that confirmed what I knew. I had COVID again in Oct. of 2023. Through it all, I have had to deal with inflammation, aches, muscle issues, and neuropathy, numbness in my feet. It worsened my hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which fortunately has been relieved with a new medication called Camzyos. The overall problem I find is a lack of comprehensive knowledge by the regular medical community about what long COVID is and how it affects our bodies and immune systems. I am moving to a large urban area where I hope to find the COVID recovery clinics that have been mentioned. I am also in a long COVID study that I hope will shed more light on this important and transforming issue. You are not alone.

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