Esophagus and beta blockers

Posted by debra54 @debra54, Jan 14 9:03am

Has anyone had problems with there esophagus? Have had mine dilated twice and I've just realized that everytime I take my carvedilol ( beta blocker) my esophagus goes to acting up. Did some reading that says beta blockers can effect the esophagus. So, going to ask my dr to switch me to a Chanel blocker for heart rate control but was jw if anyone else has this same problem.

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Im on a channel blocker. Diltiazem. 30mg once a day. Not having any problem.
I was put on it for Afib.
Question: Whats going on with your esophagus?
Have you had an endoscopy?
Why were you put on a channel blocker?


Im on a channel blocker. Diltiazem. 30mg once a day. Not having any problem.
I was put on it for Afib.
Question: Whats going on with your esophagus?
Have you had an endoscopy?
Why were you put on a channel blocker?

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I'm on a beta blocker right now...does the diltiazem help slow heart ? Esophagus gets inflamed. Just gets achy right now since the dilation I haven't had pain.


I believe it does. I was first on a larger dose, but it made me very tired.
My cardiologist then dropped me to 30 mg once a day. It doesnt make me tired or slow me down.
I bought a Kardi device, the cheapest one recommended by my cardiologist from Best Buy.
I carry it with me at all times and its installed on my Ipad,
When I can feel my heart racing, I check in Kardia. I take about 6-8 ekgs to see if i can get it down naturally with deep breathing, holding and slowly exhaling.
Thats worked most of the time. But after about 15-20mins, if my heart rate is still high, I take a pill. Then i run the Kardia again after about 15-20 mins of taking the pill and i can see its slowed my heart rate down.
1 pill a day, a second one if i have a racing heart.


Im on a channel blocker. Diltiazem. 30mg once a day. Not having any problem.
I was put on it for Afib.
Question: Whats going on with your esophagus?
Have you had an endoscopy?
Why were you put on a channel blocker?

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Does the diltiazem make your legs swell?


Does the diltiazem make your legs swell?

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I havent had that problem with it. But i only take 30 mg once a day.
I will be more mindful about chevking. I have inky been on it for awhile. Check the half life.

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