Endometrium cancer FIGO Grade 1: Are there fertility options?

Posted by alifshahrin @alifshahrin, May 30, 2023

I have recently been diagnosed with Endometrium Adenocarcinoma, FIGO grade 1. I am just 28 and have no child. My recent MRI report shows that it is possible that the cancer invades the Myometrium muscles. I really want to have at least one baby and do not want to do the Hysterectomy right away. I am still to schedule an appointment with my Gynecologic Oncologist this week but wanted to reach out to the member of this platform for some hope. Is there anyone here who was diagnosed with a similar cancer type and still was able to get pregnant with other treatment options by delaying the surgery? Any information related to the treatment options and/or recommendations for a doctor who dealt with young patients like me and helped them to keep their fertility would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and help.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Adolescent & Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Support Group.

@alifshahrin This is a very difficult diagnosis to receive at any age. I was diagnosed with endometroid adenocarcinoma, FIGO Grade 1 when I was past my child-bearing age - I was 67 years old at diagnosis. Facing the diagnosis and the unknowns ahead was so hard. I did have a hysterectomy with uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and cervix all surgically removed. The surgery and the recovery were a little easier than I expected. The psychological part wasn't easy and as I wrote I was no longer thinking about having children.

I don't know of anyone in our Support Group who is in your age group but I will check. Age 28 years is a young age to face this diagnosis.

My thoughts are this. If I were you I would get opinions from medical providers who are in the best position to advise you. In my case I knew that my cancer was not aggressive so I had some time to weigh my options and do some planning. Do you feel you have time to do this? I would get an opinion from the gynecology oncologist which it appears you are in the process of doing. At that appointment I would ask the gyn oncologist the questions you are asking here. I would also ask if there are other specialists I could talk with. Depending on what your gyn oncologist says maybe an appointment for a second or even third opinion with different gyn oncologists? Maybe an appointment with a gynecologist who specializes in fertility?

Are you located in the U.S? If so, here is a website with the National Institutes of Health-Designated cancer centers that are on the cutting edge of research and care. My care was at Mayo Clinic which is on this list and so I felt very comfortable with the recommendations I received.

Find an NCI-Designated Cancer Center

-- https://www.cancer.gov/research/infrastructure/cancer-centers/find


I was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia at 26 which is a precancerous condition. My treatment was medication to try to reduce my endometrial lining. Since yours is already cancerous and possibly spreading, I think surgery is gonna be the biggest priority. I agree that you can find a fertility specialist so that you can try to freeze your eggs or ovarian tissue. I was able to freeze my eggs last month and will probably be getting surgery because my pre-cancer is getting close to being cancer since the treatment isn’t working like it should.

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