Endometrial biopsy dilation and curettage (D&C): Scared
Hi. I’m having a DNC tomorrow at the hospital for an endometrial biopsy. My endometrial thickness is 5 mm. Dr said he had to check it to make sure it’s not cancer or pre-cancer anxiety through the roof. I don’t like hospitals or getting knocked out and it scares me to death. Any words of encouragement from anyone that’s had this done? Thank you in advance.
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I haven’t had that procedure, but can understand your anxiety. The last couple of procedures I had went well. I try to focus on how it’ll be done before I know it and they do this all the time. It helps some. Sending well wishes and that you remain comfortable. Is someone taking you?
Yes my daughter
Oh that’s good. Hopefully, she’ll be able to chat a bit and keep you focused on calming thoughts. My niece keeps a little container of calming scent …lavender…I think that she smells when stressed. I’ve thought of trying it.
Will you leave right after it’s done?
Yes. I can go home after that wake up
@sandimarie I understand your anxiety about the procedure and especially the reason that your doctor recommended a D&C. My gynecologist recommended the D&C and hysteroscopy because I was post-menopausal, had experienced light spotting and an ultrasound showed a thickening of the endometrium. I had sedation prior to the procedure. I did a lot of slow breathing and following my breath on the way to the procedure which works to reduce anxiety. I gave myself the message over and over that this procedure was needed and it’s far better to know than to not know. I have learned that I can manage this anticipatory anxiety because then I will eventually know the results which will result in less anxiety and a treatment plan, if needed.
How do you manage your anxiety? What works for you?
Hey SandiMarie,
I totally understand your anxiety. I went to have a biopsy done yesterday in my doctor's office and I was soooooooo scared. But he was fantastic and calmed me down and I managed to relax. Unfortunately he couldn't do the biopsy so I haven't had the procedure you're having tomorrow, but I might be headed that way. I wish you all the best. Helen gave you some awesome advice and I, too, did a lot of deep breathing to keep calm. I also reminded myself to trust the medical team - my doctor and there was a sweet nurse there as well. I also was honest and vocal about how scared I was, which I thought helped - they knew exactly where I was at. I'll keep you in my thoughts tomorrow and wish you all the best.
Find somebody you feel comfortable with and take them with you when you have this procedure done. It's always great to have somebody with you
@sandimarie, how did the dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure go? What tips might you have for future members who are scared about going to the hospital for a D&C and a biopsy? What do you wish you had know beforehand?