Emotional aftermath following breast cancer treatment

Posted by rhongirl @rhongirl, Aug 23, 2022

While I was diagnosed in Dec. 2019, chemo, cancer surgery, and four more surgeries took place over the next 2 1/2 years (one of which was a second cancer surgery). I'm 6 weeks out from my last surgery, feeling somewhat normal physically, but wading through the emotional aftermath. "What just happened to me?" I told my husband that I've spent the past 2 1/2 years trying to stay alive - and I'm exhausted. Exaggerated emotions with up-and-down mood swings. . . I find myself yearning for that sense of emotional equilibrium I had before this all began. I'm doing my best to give myself time for this part of the healing - but I find myself weary. Family and friends look at me like I'm fine now, and the trauma has passed - but the truth is, I am not fine on the inside. It's as if my body is trying to reboot emotionally, and its short-circuiting a bit. I am so goal-oriented. . . if I just had that "magic" date of when everything would be normal again, I could focus on that; but it doesn't work that way. I have to be patient with this portion of the healing - and I'm finding that hard. What are others' experiences with this? How long does it take for your emotions to settle from the trauma of breast cancer?

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This is so helpful, Chris. I feel the same way. I think people distance themselves from illness and death by saying a sick person "did" something wrong. But every person on earth falls ill, and will die. It is our mutual fate, and should engender friendly compassion rather than blame! (For ourselves too). I recently had coffeee with an acquaintance--we both do some writing about breast cancer. She started fretting about how she could have gotten it. I said--it's just because we have human bodies. She surprised me by bursting into tears! I was just trying to be sensible but it turns out this lifted some burden of self-blame. Maybe our job is not to discover causes but to be kind to ourselves and others.

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Reposting this graphic illustrating that unless a person has a strong genetic predisposition, one will probably never know the cause.


Stop wrestling!!!
Be at peace one day at a time !!
Just get up each day and be grateful for life to a great and mighty God!!
Time will take care of you !!


I totally agree that we need to be kind to ourselves and others, so don't fall into any blaming games; however, we still need to try to find out what might cause the disease of BC to help others to avoid it when they still can - at all cost.


I have heard more than a few statements to hating myself or being angry at myself for getting this disease.
I think a lot of that is because we keep hearing about breast cancer is a modifiable risk. I think this is a horrible thing to say to a breast cancer patient. Especially since they can’t really say for sure if YOUR cancer was from a “modifiable” cause. They say lung cancer is mostly caused from smoking too, but the person who started smoking in the 70’s didn’t know, what we know now. If I knew that, I would have bought apple stock in the 70’s too.
Please stop beating yourself up. We are all just trying to live the best life we can live, ours is tough enough with breast cancer without beating ourselves up as well.
My doctors look at me now as an overweight older lady and presumed had bad habits causing my cancer.
I was never overweight until 8 years ago after a bad accident. I was actually considered a little too thin. Because I worked and played hard and felt like eating and sleeping were optional. I have friends who are vegetarians, rail thin and never drank or smoked in their life and still got breast cancer.
Please give yourself the benefit of the doubt regardless of who you are or your previous habits. Cancer beats you up plenty, don’t give it an extra hand to hit you with.💕

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This is so helpful, Chris. I feel the same way. I think people distance themselves from illness and death by saying a sick person "did" something wrong. But every person on earth falls ill, and will die. It is our mutual fate, and should engender friendly compassion rather than blame! (For ourselves too). I recently had coffeee with an acquaintance--we both do some writing about breast cancer. She started fretting about how she could have gotten it. I said--it's just because we have human bodies. She surprised me by bursting into tears! I was just trying to be sensible but it turns out this lifted some burden of self-blame. Maybe our job is not to discover causes but to be kind to ourselves and others.


I have heard more than a few statements to hating myself or being angry at myself for getting this disease.
I think a lot of that is because we keep hearing about breast cancer is a modifiable risk. I think this is a horrible thing to say to a breast cancer patient. Especially since they can’t really say for sure if YOUR cancer was from a “modifiable” cause. They say lung cancer is mostly caused from smoking too, but the person who started smoking in the 70’s didn’t know, what we know now. If I knew that, I would have bought apple stock in the 70’s too.
Please stop beating yourself up. We are all just trying to live the best life we can live, ours is tough enough with breast cancer without beating ourselves up as well.
My doctors look at me now as an overweight older lady and presumed had bad habits causing my cancer.
I was never overweight until 8 years ago after a bad accident. I was actually considered a little too thin. Because I worked and played hard and felt like eating and sleeping were optional. I have friends who are vegetarians, rail thin and never drank or smoked in their life and still got breast cancer.
Please give yourself the benefit of the doubt regardless of who you are or your previous habits. Cancer beats you up plenty, don’t give it an extra hand to hit you with.💕


Thanks for the 15 minute meditation idea! I love it!

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You are very welcome! I hope it helps you too❤️


abnormal mammo 4/29 did,nt get next mammo 5/16.biopsy pretty quick,but a month before I could get a MRI and before I met the surgeon.She was.nt available.Maybe vacation.Probably another month before surgery.Too late to find another doc now. So technically from 5/16.I'm a mess.

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Waiting is torture when you are going through this. Every day feels like a lifetime. I was furious when they told me I was going to have to wait 6 weeks for surgery and then another 6 weeks after they figured out my margins weren't clear. I'm so sorry you are having to wait so long. Feel free to vent here. This is a safe place where people understand. Holding you in my heart.


That was a beautiful post rhongirl. Many of us can echo your emotions and struggles.
I was diagnosed at 70 in Dec 22 with ILC which was TNBC in one breast and IDC in the other breast. We live in MI but we ended up going to Mayo and then I was to have the surgery. However I had developed a large hematoma from the needle biopsy in my hometown so the Mayo surgeon had to delay my surgery for 5 weeks because the hematoma could hide pathology after surgery. He said because I was stage 1
it would be ok to wait. I was a nervous wreck about waiting, I'm sure you can all relate. I also had 2 spinal compression fractures from osteoporosis during this time. I felt like a total mess. So we went home and I am a great believer in prayer and I was praying morning noon and night. I started reading books about positive thinking and how it affects your health. During this same time I was to lay flat on my back for 15 minutes a day to help with the spinal compression fractures. So I decided this was the perfect time to get my mind in a positive state. So I started what I call my " Optimistic Self Talk" and I still do it each and every day. I know it has helped me immensely. As I am laying down I put a 15 minute timer on my phone. I close my eyes and I start with a prayer. Then I repeat over and over for the 15 minutes, "Love, Light, Optimism, Wellness and Healing. I am staying in a remission, I am staying free of cancer anywhere in my body. I am a Survivor and I will stay a Survivor. I am well and healthy, I am just fine, all is well in my body. Thank you for my healing and healthy body. ". Then I just keep repeating that for the 15 minutes. I know it has made a big difference for me. Hopefully it can help some of you. Whenever I have a negative thought now about my health I just repeat some of my optimistic words to myself and it really helps me. Sending Love and Wellness Wishes to all of you. ❤️

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Thanks for the 15 minute meditation idea! I love it!


It's been 10 weeks on a journey i thought would be cut and dry.BOY! was I mistaken. Biopsy,lump and lymph node.O.K. get it out! no,Need am MRI to see if there was anything else.Found another lesion.Now I have to have another biopsy.Bone scan coming up.Hope they don't find anything else. So far all organs are good,but who knows what they will find when go in there .So 2 and a half months and still unsure about what is going on and no surgery scheduled.I hate my new life with cancer!

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Dear @tonysmom

It is very hard to wait around during this journey; however, we'll keep you in our thoughts & prayers. Apparently your doctors are taking care of you very thoroughly, which is a blessing! Gratefully all your organs are good so far with all testings done, hopefully you'll have the surgery scheduled soon.

Our prayers shall be with you during your surgery, please keep us posted; for our spirits shall continue to support you, our comrade in this fight with cancer!


abnormal mammo 4/29 did,nt get next mammo 5/16.biopsy pretty quick,but a month before I could get a MRI and before I met the surgeon.She was.nt available.Maybe vacation.Probably another month before surgery.Too late to find another doc now. So technically from 5/16.I'm a mess.

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@tonysmom what you are going thru is so nerve wrecking but stay strong. Just like you said ‘just get it out’. Write your questions down to ask surgeon. We m, on this Forum are here for you and to help you emotionally. We’ve been thru this frustrating and scary worrisome time. Please use us to ask questions, vent or share experiences.
Tonysmom, you will be ok. 🙏🏼❤️ blessings

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