Effects of radioactive iodine (RAI) Treatment

Posted by tessa0703 @tessa0703, Dec 12, 2023

Hey guys

This is a desperate attempt in the hope someone else has been through this.

I had 2 rounds of RAI - first in May 2021 and second in August 2023 after a recurrence.

Ever since RAI in August I have had elevated LFT (liver damage), my TSH is still 21 at a dose of 350mcg, and I am experiencing crippling stomach issues - heartburn, reflux, indigestion etc. I am constantly exhausted and I am just becoming more and more saddened by everything I am enduring.

Both my Endo and my GP are unable to help me saying they have never seen this before and just to wait it out and I will heal but it feels like these problems are too intense to resolve themselves

Has anyone experienced this and improved? What helped you?

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I have NOT had RAI, however I wonder if some of your symptoms might be related to your medication. I am having difficulty getting regulated on Synthroid. My numbers have always been in the normal range however when they try and suppress my tsh to the lowest number possible ( by increasing my dose), I experienced horrible side effects and felt terrible. I was recently prescribed Tirosint and I felt absolutely horrible!! !! The depression, aches and pains, tingling in extremities, weight gain, extreme reflux and heartburn, etc made me stop taking it and go for bloodwork. The nurse practitioner said my numbers were all in the normal range; however the number was so low it was Not a good number for me. Within a few days of stopping Tirosint I felt so much better! went back on Synthroid Brand ( not the generic) and will be working on getting the right dose FOR MY SYSTEM. I am amazed that the range of normal can result in severe negative side effects. My doctor said we will try and get my thyroid numbers to the level they were before being diagnosed with HCC because I felt fine and was not on thyroid medicine. ( The nurse practitioner suggested trying Tirosint) The goal of suppressing the TSH might be too extreme for your system. I can relate to how badly you are feeling …. Maybe you can explore the possibility of reducing your Synthroid a bit to see if you feel better. Maybe you can ask your doctor to check your thyroid numbers from before you had surgery and felt well and see if you can try getting to that number to see if you feel better. Good luck!!


I went thru a period similar to this after my second RAI . It took a year or so for my dose to take control and reduce my levels. My liver function was very bad for a while as well. I eventually researched how to flush the liver and was surprised to learn coffee could do that. Including decaf as the caffeine is not good on suppressant dose of thyroid hormone. So I found a good cold water decaf method, not chemical decaffeinated coffee, and had a few cups a day. Eventually my thyroid levels lowered to a suppressant level. My liver function improved. Although my gallbladder was removed due to some residual problems and I still have a sensitive stomach but not life affecting.
It feels like you are very anxious about all of this and thst can actually increase the issues. It might help to find someone to talk to. To help you process everything you have gone through.
Cancer is hard. It's challenging and emotional. But we all have to process the pain and anxiety and the changes it brings. They are normal feelings to a really hard thing to experience. But remember cancer is not who we are.
Sending you hugs and prayers


I went thru a period similar to this after my second RAI . It took a year or so for my dose to take control and reduce my levels. My liver function was very bad for a while as well. I eventually researched how to flush the liver and was surprised to learn coffee could do that. Including decaf as the caffeine is not good on suppressant dose of thyroid hormone. So I found a good cold water decaf method, not chemical decaffeinated coffee, and had a few cups a day. Eventually my thyroid levels lowered to a suppressant level. My liver function improved. Although my gallbladder was removed due to some residual problems and I still have a sensitive stomach but not life affecting.
It feels like you are very anxious about all of this and thst can actually increase the issues. It might help to find someone to talk to. To help you process everything you have gone through.
Cancer is hard. It's challenging and emotional. But we all have to process the pain and anxiety and the changes it brings. They are normal feelings to a really hard thing to experience. But remember cancer is not who we are.
Sending you hugs and prayers

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Thank you so much for your reply - your the first person I have found who has had a similar experience

Are you able to share more about the cold water decaf method - what did you use and how often should I do this for and how long?

Thank you


Hi all, update on my side effect issues. I had been on Synthroid but side effects were problematic. Nurse practitioner suggested Tirosint…. Side effects even worse! Dr put me back on Synthroid and said we will see if it’s a dosing issue.
Once again, the side effects have been horrible! I stopped taking Synthroid on Sunday ( I had a partial thyroidectomy) and several issue cleared up right away…. The sharp pain in back/ flank area and burning sensation was greatly reduced in the first day and now3 days later the inching is the last big issue still lingering ( reduced but still here). Pharmacist said it could be a sensitivity to Synthroid and that the company can change their formula ( fillers) without notifying people.it definitely makes it hard to be consistent with medications with that variable of company changing how they make the medicine!
Based on what I have read I am curious if I’m allergic to Synthroid or if the Synthroid is causing ( or magnifying) an issue with adrenal gland. I never had an issue before, but maybe this is contributing to a reaction. Anyone else develop adrenal issue? Thanks!



Thank you so much for your reply - your the first person I have found who has had a similar experience

Are you able to share more about the cold water decaf method - what did you use and how often should I do this for and how long?

Thank you

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It is simply to find a decaf coffee you like to drink , that uses the Swiss water process to decaffinate instead of chemicals . I just found thst more chemicals is not healthy. You can drink regular coffee as well but I just can't handle all the caffeine.
Then you drink 3 to 4
cups a day. Be sure you
drink your daily water as
Hoping you feel better soon!

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